I would like all my readers to know I am heading out of town this - TopicsExpress


I would like all my readers to know I am heading out of town this weekend and am going to unplug and enjoy a weekend with my siblings, nieces and nephews, great nieces and nephews and obvi the hubs and kids. So, I will leave you with some good ol Dear Elizabeth advice. Do not turn into a jerk this holiday season. Look, I know the holidays can be stressfull. But lets all take a moment and settle the hell down. If things are stressing you out....take a minute....sit back and look at whats important. #1. If Christmas cookies are stressing you out, dont bake them. Wanna know what I brought to the school cookie party. Oreos. Take that. The rest of my cookies I bought from my friend who NEEDS to open her own bakery because she is amazing. If you need cookies see Karyn Hansen. She is an angel of sugar. #2. Your family does not need to wear matching pajamas from Pottery Barn on Christmas eve. Santa will still come. Trust me on this one. #3. Just stop it with the Elf. If that little a-hole is stressing you out, its your own fault. I have 2 real live Elves that trash my house. And a dog that is a delinquent. I dont need some mythical creature dumping flour all over my kitchen floor. Who is the moron that started this? #4. Who cares about wrapping paper. Not your kids. Or husband. You need paper, scotch tape and scissors. And a sharpie to write everybodys name. And obvi a brandy old fashioned sweet to drink. Put down the ribbon and bows. Your family doesnt care #5. Your kids Christmas morning breakfast does not need to be in the shape of Rudolph with a real red blinking nose. Knock it off. #6. Stop with Santa lingerie. Just no. No. #7. Do not slam your cart into mine at the grocery store, flip me off in the parking lot of Walmart or sigh behind me in line of any store when I cant find my debit card. Its Christmas people. And again....spoiler alert....I can do passive aggressive WAYYYYYY better then you. #8. If you have the pleasure of being able to spend Christmas with both your in-laws and your parents, dont complain. It can be stressful to load up a car, drive all over and split up time between everybody. But, you are blessed to get to do it. Parents and Grandparents arent here forever. Enjoy them and love them. Christmas without your parents just isnt the same. No matter how old you are. And when you are feeling like you are about to loose your holly jolly remember this. One time....a long long time ago....there was a teenage girl pregnant with the son of God. Now...I know my husband thinks I walk on water, but I think explaining to him that the baby I am pregnant with when it wasnt possible for me to be pregnant with his baby wouldve been a hard sell. Not only did Mary explain that to Joseph...but then...then...she had an Inn keeper tell her she couldnt have the baby in the hotel. Again.....Im gonna go out on a limb here but I think when I was in the heart of my labor if some guy wouldve told me that I needed to have a baby in a barn with a buncha animals (while I was riding on a donkey none the less)....I probably woulda punched him. Then walked into the inn and pulled the sleeping shepherd out of his bed and said I need this way more than you do right now guy! And then, lets not forget she had the responsibility of raising the son of God. I mean....I think that my kids are a big deal. But their parents are Brad and I....not even in the same ball park. Although I do love mine as much as she loved Jesus because it just simply isnt possible for a mother to love her children more than I love mine. Of that I am sure. So really, kinda puts the fact that your Amazon package didnt arrive yet into perspective now doesnt it. Enjoy your weekend. Give your families a lot of love and I will chat with you all on Monday. Gods blessing to each of you.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 20:35:40 +0000

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