I would like to express my thoughts on the current drug scandal - TopicsExpress


I would like to express my thoughts on the current drug scandal crap that is currently going on. I am writing this on my phone so please forgive some mistakes that are made in this text. Now dont think for a second that I am not a true Essendon supporter when I write this because these are my opinions on it all and we are all titled to our own opinion, now on to business. I really love James Hird, and we is a great member to have at the Essendon football club, but I really think he needs to admit that he made a mistake and then get on with it, but no he wants to keep this going just to clear his name. A lot of supporters think that because we got Hird back next year as coach we are going to have a fantastic year, the fact is that we wont. Think about it, after all of this do you really think the players have much respect left for him? He could cause them to be banned from the AFL, this is there life dream they could be losing just because of this stupid little mistake. The least he could do it admit he made a mistake and stop all of this madness, because at this rate, this will continue throughout next year and we will once again have a year full of this crap. Arent you sick of getting called drug cheats just because of this one mistake that was made? As a supporter I am sure You are sick of all the crap that other supporters give us. This is getting ridiculous and it would have been over by now if Hird accepted the fact that he made a mistake, who know he might have read what asada said back wrong. Because to be honest he has pretty much lost all of my respect for him. Do you really think supporters are going to want to buy a membership next year when this crap will still be going on? Because I know I wouldnt. Also how do you think this will affect our trading? Do you really think other clubs are going to want players that could soon be out for 2 years? This is unfair to the supporters, players and the players familys. Please Hird can you stop being so selfish and just finish it here, if you can give me a clear argument why you are innocent. I want to support you Hird but I do not think I can because I have got nothing to say in an argument about this to another supporter. Please get this message out by sharing this post. It is really important we get other supporters onto this and get everyones opinion. Please leave a comment and give me your thoughts. Thank you for reading. I had to get this off my chest, please understand that this is my opinion and I almost certainly titled to it, so are you with your opinions. Leave a comment.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 05:23:00 +0000

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