I would like to share my story. I fell pregnant at a very young - TopicsExpress


I would like to share my story. I fell pregnant at a very young age. But with both families supporting both my partner and I, we knew we could do it. I had a complicated pregnancy, I found out I had OC (Obstetric cholelistis) at 38 weeks. My liver didnt function properly and as a result my bile acid ran through my blood stream and made me unbearably itchy. The doctors made a induction date of 3 days later. After 4 long days of waiting and 18 hours of full blown labour I delivered our healthy baby boy via c-section. Our life was great. When Hunter was one and a half we thought it was time to give him a little play mate. This time was not so easy. It took me 3 months to concieve, but we were over the moon. I decided not to tell anyone until I was 12 weeks along. The day finally come and I could tell everyone that we were expecting. I rang my dad and my mum. They were both so happy to be grandparents again. But 3 days later I noticed I was bleeding. So we took the trip to our small local hospital. They said they couldnt do much. The baby was going to do what it wanted. And if I was still bleeding in the morning to go see my GP. The next morning I was still bleeding so we went to see my doctor. He checked my out and had a look at some of my records and noticed my blood type was O- and my partners is A positive so I have to have the needle to stop my blood group from trying to attack our unborn child. He sent us to the next town to see the hospital there. I was put into a small room and had a ultrasound done. They had told me my baby had only formed to 9 weeks and it had been dead inside of me for 3 weeks. I broke down In tears as they gave me my needle. My partner was shocked and cried the whole 30 drive home. That night we had a couple of friends over to explain what had happened. I started to feel unbearable pain. I went to the toilet and passed some blood and went to lay in bed. I got up and rang my parents to tell them what had happened and I started to hemerage. My partner with all our friends around had to call the ambulance with me frozen on our front verandah. I could not move. The ambulance came and took me to our small hospital. The doctors didnt tell me a thing until they put me into the ambulance to go to the bigger hospital the next town over. They said youre in labour you need to push. A total of 8 hours later, the doctors delivered my baby. Right before my eyes. I didnt get to see her at all cause they wanted to do all sorts of tests on her. I stayed the night in the birthing suite. Worst thing possible. Hearing babies crying and mothers walking up and down the corodoors with their babies. We decided to do something special for our little girl. We had a plaque made up for the Garden Of Rememberance at the cemetery. And had her creamted with other babies that had died before they are classed as alive. We had a beautiful ceremony. Nearly 2 years on I still cry. Thinking of her up in heaven looking down on her big brother and us. I have been unable to concieve since and the doctors are baffeled. We count our blessings everday. We are lucky to have Hunter and our Angel. Xoxox..
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 09:00:13 +0000

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