I wrote this a while back to describe what it felt like to read a - TopicsExpress


I wrote this a while back to describe what it felt like to read a particular friends blog. The Garden of You Dear Precious Friend, I came by your garden today for a visit. I saw you in the distance with the wind playfully attempting to displace the little straw hat (You know, the yellow one. With the polka dots) sitting prettily upon your head. You seemed engrossed in your work as you hummed gently to yourself. Knowing you, you were probably composing a song. Then you saw me. You turned and laughed, then waved at me to come on over for a spell. On my way over, I noticed a little pond you had put in. There were flashes of red, gold and white making ripples in the water as if to welcome me here, to your garden. In another little nook I noticed that some fairies had been busy building a little home for themselves, knowing in their hearts that you wouldn’t mind. You looked warm and a little tired from your work, but happy. There may have been a little stick or two in your hair, it was hard to tell amongst that deep brown hair. Little clods of dirt had stuck themselves to your legs. Honestly, the dried mud didn’t look very comfortable, causing your skin to wrinkle and pucker. However, you barely seemed to noticed the dirt clods because you knew they would meet with their ultimate demise; to be washed away. You squatted down by some recently disturbed earth. I noticed a multitude of hardworking earthworms busily making their way back into the soft, moist earth. Those little guys are a definite sign of good soil. They are always working to soften the hard ground, just below the surface where you can’t see them. You asked me to come closer and take a look at what you had been doing. You explained to me that this little plot of land had almost been swept away by a flood recently. But, you had managed to keep it safe. You said your gardening teacher had been by and helped you protect this area from the swift, unforgiving waters. You told me he had said that this was a special little place, destined for greatness and beauty. “And see,” you said, “I’ve already planted the seeds.” Having come to visit your garden a few times recently, I feel I understand that making this place special has not been easy. Blights seem to pop up out of nowhere ravaging your precious plants. Or, crazy weather comes screaming into this place bringing darkness and flooding that attempts to desecrate and destroy the life here. By no small miracle, every little petal, blade of grass, and leaf survives, and, in spite of the storms, thrives. Whenever I come to visit, you take me on a tour of delights. The sweet, soft scent of those perky red roses reach up and tickle my nose, daring me to smile. The gentle sway of the weeping willow by the water allows me, for a moment, to safely feel some sadness, which is a balm to my soul. Sometimes the little rabbits come out to peek at us and twitch their noses as if they know something we do not. We stopped at your new pond. You showed me the little fish that you put there. “My friends” you said, with a slight tilt to your head. They come to visit when you arrive, even when you have nothing to give. Sometimes you sing them a song, sad or otherwise. Sometimes you tell them a story. They absorb every morsel you give them then radiate back love to you for your gentle gifts. Eventually, we arrive at the heart of your garden, that most sacred place. Here is where you sit, hours upon hours, with your gardening teacher. Listening, learning, asking tons of questions. Sometimes, I come in to visit, sometimes I don’t. And, that’s ok. Because that is your special place. On the way out, we always pass the little patch of earth that you intentionally leave untended. It serves as a reminder of what this garden used to look like. You have worked so hard ,my friend, to put your land back together. And it is amazing. Even more amazing than before the hurricane that nearly wiped this place of rest and beauty from existence. Thank you. Thank you Precious Friend, for allowing me to visit your garden from time to time.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 16:03:57 +0000

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