IF THIS IS THE CASE, THEN WE MUST, AND I MEAN MUST, DO TWO THINGS. FIRST, FIGHT LIKE HELL IN THE PRIMARY TO GET OUR TEA PARTY CONSERVATIVES IN THE GENERAL ELECTION. THEN, FIGHT LIKE HELL FOR OUR WINNER, EITHER THE ESTABLISHMENT GOPer OR THE TEA PARTIER. EITHER WAY, IN THE GENERAL ELECTION, COME TOGETHER. WE MUST. IF WE DONT, WE LOSE. The recent Cochran/McDaniel travesty in Mississippi was instructive in the extreme. It’s cast included a clear, capable conservative supported by a majority of Republican voters against a faded, addled incumbent who is far more of a Democrat than he is representative of the majority of registered Republican voters in Mississippi, or anywhere else in America. How is it that such a man could win the election over the one with the majority support? Answer: open primary. That is, a primary election which permits people who are not registered Republicans to vote in a Republican primary. Think about it for a moment: why would a political party allow those, not registered in its ranks, to vote in its primary elections? I would submit that it’s so the leadership can bring about the exact result that this Mississippi election delivered. It’s insurance against a conservative, especially one like McDaniel, who would certainly win the general election in November. To help Cochran keep his tainted, RINO seat, GOP Establishment figure and former chairman of the Republican National Committee Haley Barbour was heavily involved in bringing money and voters to Cochran’s aid. What voters? They crafted flyers, like the one linked here nationalreview/corner/381187/flier-got-thad-cochran-... and distributed them through black communities and neighborhoods. Read the lies and innuendo…amazing. But what is most amazing to me is how open and blatant they were in going about it! As for the voters they were wooing, they were Democrats. Notice too how they refer to the “Tea Party” being the enemy of the black voters here. That’s not an accident either. Once again, they do that so that they can reserve the term “conservative” for their RINO candidates, who we know are not conservatives at all. As a conservative, what is that telling you about the GOP? Why is it, that with a majority of registered Republican voters identifying as “conservative”, something on the order of 70%, we continue to get people like Cochran winning primaries? It’s clear how it happened here – and McDaniel isn’t done. But for me the larger lesson is who the GOP leadership truly are. It’s no longer subject to doubt: They are the same as Democrats in political substance and very apparently in how they operate and mislead. As such, they do not represent a true opposition to the Democrat party or their policies nor do they present themselves as people worthy of representing us, even if they actually did so. But why the “open” primaries? Let’s see…would you ever go to a Democrat primary and vote for the most “conservative” among them? No way! At best, the candidate would be a RINO, but still, it wouldn’t happen. You wouldn’t go. So, Democrats don’t object to open primaries. On the other hand then, why would Democrats go to a GOP primary and vote against the conservative? Because, for the Democrat, the only way he can possibly lose is if the conservative gets elected! If a RINO wins, for the Democrat, it’s not great but preferable to someone who might actually mount an assault on Liberal policy fronts and turf. Even if that Democrat voter is some poor stooge who is motivated by inflammatory garbage, such as that in the attached flyer, the result is the same. If we readers can understand these things, is there a chance that the GOP Leadership doesn’t? No way. Their “big tent” is the likely excuse we’ll get, but I doubt it’s the real reason. They’ve had ample experience to see that their “big tent” strategy doesn’t work in the general elections, even when they put up candidates who differ little from the Democrat candidate and won’t even attack their opponent! Au contraire, I believe that they not only understand, but that they have made sure that many states feature open primaries for the express purpose of sinking conservative candidates. In my home state of Arizona, we are very conservative, but have two prominent GOP Establishment senators. We also have open primaries. In fact, of 20 states with open primaries, 12 are “red” states. As we’ve mentioned previously, however, it hardly matters to Democrats – we conservatives wouldn’t vote in their primaries. Of the eight blue states with open primaries, they are states who want to be sure beyond a doubt that no conservative will ever be elected. (Limbaugh tried “Operation Chaos”. I think it gave him something to talk and laugh about but accomplished little else) In this Mississippi election, as seen previously in Virginia last November, you’ve seen the face of the party which wants you to support them in all they do. What are you going to do about it? For myself, I’ll vote for my incumbent Republican congressman in Nov. but after that, I’m looking for a party with the right leadership to put up a candidate in the 2016 presidential elections. No threats, conventional wisdom, worries about split votes nor any other fear-motivated line of baloney will induce me to vote for any candidate I know is not as committed to returning the United States to a nation of individual liberty, independence and the rule of law, under sober management, by competent members of our government.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 00:27:24 +0000

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