IF YOU WANT TO SYSTEMATICALLY DESTORY A NATION, HABITUATE ITS POPULATION TO ‘FREE LUNCHES’ The Food Security ordinance cleared by the UPA cabinet today, is nothing but a formal declaration which says – India is now moving from being a nation of poor to a nation of beggars. It marks the turning point in our economy – neutralising almost all the gains made from the IT revolution and liberalisation of the last 2 or 2.5 decades. At a time when our fiscal deficit is already above 9% (including that of the states) and the rupee is at its all-time worst level and getting trashed every day, even the most unscrupulous and idiotic politicians would not dream of such a policy. Only the ones without any love or patriotism for the nation could think of such a move. Even if this bill is implemented properly without corruption (which all of us know will never happen), this policy is not just bad – it is evil. It is said that if an enemy nation is to be taught a lesson, war etc. should be unleashed on it. But if a nation needs to be systematically destroyed and crippled, policies such as this one, which habituate the population to ‘free lunches’ should be enforced in that country. And please don’t be under any false notion that there is perhaps some good side of this policy. There is none. History has proven it time and again. And also, don’t think that this does not affect you. If you live in India, brace yourself for a permanent double digit inflation rate (10-20%) and the US dollar exchange rate of 70 / 75 – just due to this policy error. In case you don’t know, this is the most ambitious free food distribution experiment ever in the history of the entire world. Even the richest Western economies would not be able to easily absorb its recurring impact year after year. India would simply go bankrupt. People need jobs not free lunches. With a national average age of 25 years, India is sitting on a huge demographic opportunity -- the kind which comes once in a century or more to a nation. There is so much work to do. Ensuring jobs for all those who want to work through some proper policies and infrastructure building is actually not that difficult. But the first requirement for all this is good intent on the part of our rulers. ---- Abhisar Upadhyay
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 23:38:50 +0000

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