IF you are atheist!!! Well if you were an atheist (theres a - TopicsExpress


IF you are atheist!!! Well if you were an atheist (theres a reason Ive used parentheses) it seems like we can finally call Checkmate and chalk up a win for the theistical and supernatural side of reality. Usually I have some extended commentary as the basis of my case studies, but this time I am awarded the privilege of not even really having to! Its come up in the scientific community recently that the position of atheism is highly 1. Illogical 2. Unfounded and now 3. Unnatural. It seems that intellectual dishonesty runs rampant and only grows the more you TRY to deny the supernatural and The Lord; our Maker. My challenge to you is this: will you accept the Truth or continue to fight against knowledge and reason simply due to your own personal pride and ego? Please refer to my link for the full explanation and relevant information. I should point out the first scientist quoted is an adamant atheist himself. Any rational person knows now is the time to wake and smell the coffee. If you continue to lie about what is now proven to be true, who are you really hurting? The only answer is...you! Simply put, atheism is now just a logical fallacy used as a crutch for the weak minded and cowardly. Is that the person you want to be, or is that who you let yourself be? The writing is on the wall atheists, the writing is truly on the wall. If you want to continue living in a lie, theres no one to stop you in this realm, but you may not be so lucky in the next, as evidence really does indicate towards something far beyond our ability to understand as human beings. To reject something simply due to a seemingly lack of tangible evidence may not be as intellectually sound as you thought it was yesterday, as without a doubt we must acknowledge the presence of that which is supernatural. God bless, we need Him more than ever! Dominic Lewis. science20/writer_on_the_edge/blog/scientists_discover_that_atheists_might_not_exist_and_thats_not_a_joke-139982
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 03:45:38 +0000

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