II’m guilty of asking some of these questions to mothers of new - TopicsExpress


II’m guilty of asking some of these questions to mothers of new babies. But not because I’m stupid or don’t know what to say and YES I am slightly clueless but not because I want to be clueless (I’m truly so envious). I would cherish the chance to have someone ask me any of these questions and NONE of them would upset or bother me… for the women whom are unable to have children of their own this article seems ridiculous…. “Sometimes people who dont know you well are just grasping for topics to talk about, and sometimes people with no kids are just clueless. Its not their fault; they just havent been through it.” What a one sided statement ….And sometimes those of us whom are unable to have children want to so bad it hurts…. I would gladly make small talk or give soft replays to people who may ask these questions… Instead I get these questions or statements “when are you going to have a baby of your own?”, “Why don’t you have any children…. Don’t you want them?” and the question that is the hardest so handle is “You know you aren’t getting any younger… your time clock is ticking?!” My answers to my questions…. I am not sure when (or if ever) you will have to ask God. YES I want children. Believe me I’m more AWARE of my time clock ticking more than you are and I am aware that ever year I get older and that the possibility of having a baby of my own gets further and further out of my reach, If you by any chance know Gods Cell number could you please give him a call and tell him I’m on the bench (use to it I spent I a lot of time on the bench in high school softball) but I’m ready when he is!.... I guess my point is a newborn is so much work so draining so life changing but YOU are SO lucky SO BLESSED to be able to bother by these questions rather than mine. Sometimes we get so tired that we forget how amazing beautiful blessed you are to have the experience to be a mother…. For most mothers it was easy but for SO many of us it so far out our reach and it is out of our hands…. Please kiss those babies, love them, cherish them and for ever moment that you are at your breaking point remember how beautifully blessed you are that God picked you to be a mother….
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 07:13:33 +0000

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