ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION IS EVERYONES PROBLEM. PLEASE READ AND RE POST!! It is everyones patriotic duty to do everything that they legally can to fight this, which means contacting your Congressman and other elected officials at all levels, and blitzing with letters, emails, and phone calls. When they have townhall meetings and city council meetings, show up and give them an ear full of your angst, and tell them what must be done: Send all the interlopers and parasites back from whence they came in a humanitarian way while at the same time secure the Southern border (later the Northern border). Bring our troops home and redeploy them on our Southern border and to assist in mass deportations of illegal aliens across the country. We should all know by now that we are under attack by a mass of humanity that is calculated to bring our country down. Its all generated from Washington and other quarters in America by those who have no sense of patriotism or what it means to be a sovereign nation. It has absolutely nothing to do with humanitarianism or charity, albeit that is used as a mask to hide their nefarious and traitorous goal of turning our country into a third world nation of ignorant peasants from abroad, and ruled by oligarchs in Washington and their puppet masters. If any of your elected officials try to con you with statements to justify amnesty or citizenship, such as, We are a nation of immigrants or We must provide a path to citizenship or We are a compassionate nation” or “All they want is to live the American dream” or “It’s the charitable thing to do,” or “We can’t separate the families,” or “They are hard working people and do the jobs that Americans won’t do,” tell them: 1. All nations have been a nation of immigrants at one time or another, that is how nations are built and replenished; however, it is based on a nation’s real needs, not self-serving political agendas or cheap labor. Immigration is not a unique American phenomena, but individual freedom and rights are, which is what our Statue of Liberty represents, a beacon of liberty as a shining example to the world; it was not intended to be a welcome mat for dumping all of humanity on our shores. 2. We have no obligation whatsoever to provide citizenship to anyone; citizenship is a privilege, not a right. Again, it is based on the needs of the nation, not the immigrant. No, the only path we should provide illegal aliens is an express path to the border, as in swift and immediate deportation. 3. We have no corner on compassion or charity, either, albeit we have been more generous with foreign aid, owing to our previous years of prosperity; however, we are no longer a prosperous nation (no thanks to the irresponsible and self-serving leadership), and besides, sinking the Good Ship Lollypop and destroying our nation by allowing invading hordes of illegal aliens, many of whom have highly infectious diseases or are criminals and terrorists, is not a sign of compassion, and most certainly not compassion for American citizens, whom elected officials are supposed to represent with their best interests at heart. No, there is nothing compassionate here, but rather self-serving politicians who are forsaking their sacred oaths to the U.S. Constitution and breaking their bond with and trust of We The People. Compassion or charity does not bring misery at the expense of others, nor does it allow for personal, political, and/or financial gain. Genuine charity and compassion comes from one’s heart, but it does not pick from someone else’s pocket to give to someone else, that is robbery plain and simple under the sneaky and dishonest guise of compassion and charity. 4. The American dream is for Americans, and it is based on individual freedom and rights, which allows for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, which unleashes the productive and creative forces within individuals, who become prosperous and achieve the “American dream.” The American dream can not be achieved by government handouts to anyone, especially from a government that is doing its very best to destroy the generating dynamo of individual freedom and rights and flooding the nation with illegal aliens for the sake of their political careers and/or cheap labor. This dream, they talk about sharing with illegal aliens and humanity in general, is not theirs to share. By their insistence on open borders and amnesty, they effectively are turning the “American dream” for Americans into an American nightmare of poverty, crime, terrorism, social unrest, class envy, cultural/racial antagonisms, and widespread epidemics of highly contagious and deadly diseases. If ever there ever was an ultimate weapon of mass destruction (WMD) and terrorism, our leadership has achieved it by their embracing open borders and amnesty. Yes, you may rightly call them terrorists of the worst kind, as they are insidiously destroying our nation from within by lies and self-serving agendas. They really aren’t all that concerned with the external terrorists, who use bombs, otherwise they would have shut down the borders long ago and redeployed troops on our borders. Instead, they foolishly depose stabilizing forces in the Middle East, fund/train and equip terrorists, and, meanwhile, American citizens are viewed as suspects at airports and elsewhere by herding them like sheep to be either radiated or groped and fondled. 5. No one likes to separate families, and the solution to that is to deport those illegal aliens in our country and reunite them with their families in their native country. Legal immigrants can always visit their families abroad, have them visit here with guest visas for a limited time, or they can move back to their native country. It should go without saying that all entrants into the U.S. should undergo medical scrutiny and be free of any contagious diseases. 6. No doubt that some illegal aliens are hard working people, but that is beside the point, so are American citizens. Undercutting the American workforce with cheap labor and then declaring that they won’t do the jobs is an unconscionable disregard for their fellow, American citizens, both by employers and the politicians who embrace this un-American and un-patriotic idea of cheap labor and displacement and unemployment of American workers. There are more than enough American citizens to do all of the jobs in America. All those on welfare of able body can work. Nonviolent criminals can be put on chain gangs to work the fields. Those who do not work, do not eat, with the obvious exception of the elderly and infirm. Even children should be allowed to work when they are not in school, such as newspaper routes, mowing lawns, boxing/bagging at grocery stores, restaurants, and other jobs suitable for minors, as it instills the value of honest work and establishes a healthy work ethic. In all cases, the employer has a moral responsibility to pay a fair wage or salary for an honest days work, and this does not require minimum wage laws. Also, tell them, that if they do not secure the borders, deport illegal aliens enmasse, and redeploy our military to ensure both, that you will hire those who can and will do the job that they and their partners in crime won’t do. Politicians who promote citizenship to everyone and their brother, especially from third world countries, destroy the whole notion of what it means to be a citizen, bonded together by a common language, culture, and borders, as that is what defines a nation. Moreover, as mentioned, America was uniquely formed around the concept of individual freedom and rights, which is constantly being attacked by the un-Constitutional dictates from the Oval Office and/or Congress and the courts. FELLOW PATRIOTS OF AMERICA, ON THIS OUR INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION OF JULY 4, 2014, LET US RESOLVE TO RID OURSELVES OF THOSE WHO WOULD TURN OUR COUNTRY INTO THE LAND OF THE SLAVE AND THE HOME OF THE WIMP. LET US BOLDLY PROCLAIM OUR HERITAGE OF LIBERTY BY BEING WHAT WE WERE ORIGINALLY MEANT TO BE, THE LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE. LET US ALL UNITE AGAINST THIS IMMIVASION OF ILLEGAL HORDES AND THE PERPETRATORS IN WASHINGTON AND THEIR ANTI-AMERICAN ADVISORS IN LA RAZA, ACLU, ADL, ET. AL. REMOVE FROM OFFICE BY WHATEVER MEANS POSSIBLE THOSE ELECTED TERRORISTS WHO ARE DESTROYING AND/OR ROBBING US, OUR CHILDREN, GRAND CHILDREN, AND FUTURE GENERATIONS OF OUR HERITAGE, CULTURE, BORDERS, LANGUAGE, AND INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM/RIGHTS. PUT AN END TO THEIR WMD OF OPEN BORDERS, AMNESTY, AND CITIZENSHIP FOR ANYONE WHO WORKS FOR SLAVE WAGES AND VOTES TO KEEP THESE MISERABLE, TREASONOUS, AND EVIL WRETCHES IN POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For National Sovereignty and America First, Sigfried Stukablitzen American Patriotic Nationalist Warrior
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 05:32:50 +0000

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