IM DISGUSTED!!!!!!!!! > Common Core is being taught in our - TopicsExpress


IM DISGUSTED!!!!!!!!! > Common Core is being taught in our schools,and if you speak out against it youre arrested!!!! > Four Americans dead in Benghasi and no ones held accountable!!! > In the Fast and Furious scandal, hundreds of guns were sold to drug lords in central America,resulting in two border U.S.border agents and countless hundreds of central and south American civilians were and are being murdered!! No ones being held accountable!!!!! > Treasonous actions by our own president,by supplying arms to the Serian rebels. Which are predominately alqueida!!!!! The same people that took down the twin towers on 9/11!!!! This is an impeachable act ,but nobody dare say anything,because hes black!!!! > And the debackle called The Affordable Care Act or Obama Care. At first Obama said he needed $80 billion to fund it,but now that its been passed, the price tag is $2.4 trillion.And guess whos stuck paying for this boondoggle (senceless waste of money),the tax payers thats who... For years people from all over the world have come to the U.S. for health care, because they have government run health care and we didnt.Well thats not true any more!!! > OUR REPUBLICAN CONGRESSMEN AND SENATORS RAN THIER LAST RACE PROMISING TO KILL OBAMA CARE, BUT WHEN IT CAME TIME TO DO JUST THAT,ALL BUT A HANDFUL TURNED THIER BACKS ON US!!! TED CRUZ of TEXAS AND MIKE LEE of UTAH and a handfulof others stood thier ground and listened to thier constituants and fought to kill this senceless law and are now being labeled as rebels and terrorists by thier own party members. > I personally agree with GLENN BECK when I say... THE ONLY WAY WERE GOING TO GET TRUE CONSERVATIVES IN OFFICE IS TO....... DEFUND THE GOP!!!!!!!!!! P.S. Hey Obama and the NSA.......Put that in your pipe and smoke it!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 04:08:31 +0000

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