IMAGINE A WORLD WITHOUT POLLINATORS LIKE BEES AND OTHER IMPORTANT INCESTS TO AID IN THE POLLINATION OF OUR COMMERCIAL CROPS! A WORLD WITH CARCINOGENS AND TOXINS IN OUR FOOD SUPPLY! A WORLD WITH MEAT PRODUCTS THAT AFFECTS OUR IMMUNE SYSTEMS ABILITY TO FIGHT AGAINST INVADING PATHOGENS AND DISEASES! WOULD YOU ENJOY LIVING IN A WORLD OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS (GMO) AND GREEDY MULTINATIONAL OPPRESSORS (GMO)? (GMO): BIOTECH CROPS, are the fastest most adoptable crop technology in the history of modern agriculture; yet, it has numerous negative long-term and acute effects on our HEALTH, ENVIRONMENT AND the PLANETS BIODIVERSITY. The commercialization of GMO is strictly regulated in some countries, but unfortunately it continuously being pushed into laws by MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS like MONSANTO It is crucial to lay down the needs for traceability and labeling in the FOOD MARKETS/outlets so that the consumers can consciously make sustainable decisions while purchasing. To comply with these legislation, detection methods are needed to determine the genetic, chemical and physical/morphological characteristics and origins or these foods To date, come of these GMO have been further developed by the introduction of a transgenic insert (i.e., promoter, coding sequence, terminator) into the plant genome and real-time PCR is the detection method of choice. New types of genetic elements will be used to construct new GMO, and new crops will undergo an alchemical transformation. Additionally, the presence of unauthorized GMO in food and feed samples might increase in the near future. To enable enforcement laboratories to continue detecting all GM events and to obtain an idea of the possible presence of unauthorized GMO in a food and feed sample, an intensive screening will become necessary. Our government needs to instill more consolidated laws in our constitution so as to prevent these multinational corporation lawyers to bribe our government and our farmers The ministry or Agriculture needs a Genetics lab and expertise to detect the presents of the genetic makeup of these organisms in our food supply. We should conservatively pressure the government to do so BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!!
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 03:25:02 +0000

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