IMMEDIATE CHALLENGE of BRAZIL: DEMOCRACY with GREATER SOCIAL PARTICIPATION via Leonardo Sakamoto Members are afraid of social participation to find owners of power you borrow your pen to another person under the condition that it is used in your name. But at any given time, asks her back because discovers that can write at least part of their own history. At this time, the person gets angry, angry, angry. Does not return and, worse, says that the pen is now hers. In summary, this is what the House of representatives did, this Tuesday (28), to stop the effects of the presidential decree establishing the national policy for Social participation – which aims to develop mechanisms to track, monitor, assess and articulate public policies. And made with the blood in the eyes of the President of the House, Henrique Eduardo Alves (PMDB), who blames the PT for the defeat he suffered for the Government of Rio Grande do Norte. Thus, the noble lawmakers pass over the article 1, § 1, of the Federal Constitution: all power emanates from the people, which exercises through elected representatives or directly . Since the Decree was created, there was a myriad of claims of MPs and senators, going round and round to build strange justifications, saying that ensure social participation instruments is to assassinate our democracy (he), turning Brazil into a Venezuelan political dictatorship (hehehe) and install the Cuban regime around here (lol). My critique of the decree is exactly the opposite: he is too shy. In practice, regulating the councils and committees that do not have regulation and opens the possibility (not requires) the creation of others. And comes too late: after all everything he organizes is already provided for in the Federal Constitution (the one 1988 document that nobody likes take very seriously) and does not advance as much as would be necessary, nor responds to the demands of the manifestations of June last year. It is therefore a first step. The Decree 8243/2014 not Exchange representative democracy by directly in our country. Because were not a sufficiently developed society, with full access to information and awareness of their rights and duties to retire our representatives. It is a distant dream. This Decree does not create instances, organs and automatically positions, does not diminish responsibilities of the National Congress or interfere in other powers and centralizes the control of civil society NGOs who want to do the revolution. The funny thing is that most parliamentarians act as internet commenter: not understand bulunfas of a text and repeats phrases against or in favour of the Decree. What shows, again, that Congress is mirror of the Brazilian society. Permission to resume what had already written at the time. Taking seriously some speeches that are circulating in the plenary Chamber and in the press (my God, how have journalist who deigns to not read the paper before talking gooseberry...), we couldnt have participatory budgeting, advice related to human rights (responsible for monitoring policies such as combating child labour), let alone advice related to education and health – important parliamentary flags marinistas, aecistas, dilmistas, lucianistas and eduardojorgistas, among others, during the redemocratization. Advice is a space in which Government and society argue public policy and its implementation, and are present since the scope site – at school, at clinic – until the federal, where they meet representatives of business entities, organizations of society and Government. Some are mandatory, required by federal laws, but each State and municipality can create it deems necessary. Who chooses? There are several ways. Ideally, whether by election, as occurred recently in Sao Paulo with the sub-prefectures and thematic areas. It is obvious that for these arenas of popular participation to be effective, need to stop any power and they are not only places for discussion and advice. And this creates conflict between new instances of representation and the conventional. After all, senators, MPs, Councillors, members of the federal State and municipal spheres and who consistently wins with proximity to them, anyway, the Group of established power, tends to not like the idea of watching other actors gain influence, others who are not part of the game. Some people fear, with monitoring on the part of the people, be without the patronage of instrument power asphalt a specific Street and not another, employ well known and coreligionists. For decades, fought for deploying instances of popular participation. And, now, they begin to be discussed in certain spaces, albeit timid, and due to intense social pressure, the proposals risk being frozen if the Senate confirms the decision of the Board. And were not even discussing the real Hornets nest. Yes, even if it brings people of the management of their communities, the Councils are still spaces of representation and not of direct participation. With the development of platforms of construction and reconstruction of reality on the internet, the possibilities of popular interaction gave a jump. If we take, for example, the experiences of liquid democracy, involving Pirate parties in Europe – with its systems using elected representatives by direct vote, but also tools allowing the voter of this representative help you build proposals and positions of voting from the couch of his office – we realize that there is a long way to go. We can arrive at a time when the conventional political representation if empty of meaning. Not now, not with this Decree. But, who knows, with a more aware society. As I said in this space, many of these young people who took to the streets in June last year, claiming participate actively in the politics were not asking to change the proportional system for the pure or mixed district, as the federal Government and Parliament thinks. Want more ways to interfere directly in the course of political action of your city, State or country. But not in the same way that the generations of their parents and grandparents. Because, at that time, nobody in their right mind could assume that would create another layer of social relationship, which ignore distance and catalisasse processes. Yes, when the person is acting via the internet, not just reports. Invents, articulates, changes. Lives. IE, plebiscites, referendums, popular initiatives projects, councils with representatives by theme or district are the first steps, not the last. With the next generation, the policy will be radically transformed by technological change. Participate in the course of things every four years will no longer be enough. Because, in fact, never was. Well be participating in real time. Finally, the political, economic and social leaders who think that all power emanates from themselves, a reminder: perhaps not today, but we want our pens back. (Translated by Bing)
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 15:17:06 +0000

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