IN DEFENSE OF MY FAITH I do not want to sound like a religious - TopicsExpress


IN DEFENSE OF MY FAITH I do not want to sound like a religious bigot. However the issues here are deep. It is the issue of injustice against Christianity. It is the issue of defending my faith (since our constitution support the freedom of religion). It is the issue of a clear-cut threat against my faith by Islamic faithfuls. Why must the Nigerian Constitution support Islam and be consciously silent about Christianity? Why must the northern Muslim believe that they are the only Nigerians born to rule this nation? It smirks of pride and arrogance. Why should their threat of making the nation ungovernable unfold before our eyes and yet some people are playing politics with serious issues. The Muslims believe they are special and superior to every other Nigerians of other faith and beliefs. I do not care to join issues. This is simply indoctrination, because such belief is far from reality and the truth. It is simply for me, religious bias and prejudice. But when this belief is projected publicly it becomes a scorn on other faith. How can a political party have all his national officers as Muslims faithful and a committed Christians says it does not matter! Such posture is either borne out of naivety or share ignorance of the issue at stake. ISLAMIZATION OF NIGERIA IS A NORTHERN AGENDA The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) under the leadership of Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor has been very unequivocal about the clear Islamization of Northern Nigeria. Even though the constitution of Nigeria confirms Nigeria as a secular state, it quite obvious that Northern Muslims are steadily pursuing a total Islamization of Northern Nigeria. Christians are slaughtered enmass in the northern part of Nigeria in a genocidal pattern. Boko Haram the Insurgence group has declared total war on Christians, killing, maiming and destroying properties of Christians in the North. Also the Fulani Herdsmen is another branch of the militant Insurgence group spreading and killing in the middle belt. Even though they also attacks moderate Muslims who do not support the Insurgents it is clear to us and the world that Christians are the actual targets.Over 2000 Christians were killed in Northern Nigeria in 2014, alone.The facts as stated by the President of CAN is very clear. Truth is the foundation for every relationship and it is clear that the Insurgents are out to establish an Islamic state in Nigeria. Also if truth is the foundation for every relationship. It is clear that the Military Head of State under whose watch the 1999 constitution was drafted had ulterior motives in connivance with Northern Islamic radicals to put Sharia into the constitution of a secular state! They made Nigerians members of Organization of Islamic Council (OIC) without the consent of all Nigerians. For instance, the Nigeria constitution has the following shocking facts: Dual Ideology Sharia Mentioned - 73x Islam Mentioned - 28x Muslim Mentioned - 10x But there is no single mention of Christianity, Church or Christ! (Please check the unedited Abuja declaration on Wikipedia and see the Islamization Agenda). ATTEMPTED ECONOMIC ISLAMIZATION BY MALLAM SANUSI LAMIDO SANUSI Now it is very clear that when the Chief Imam of the CBN Mallam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi came in with his banking reforms his target was to overthrow the economic strength of the South. He rubbished southern bank CEO’s and appointed new Bank CEO’s who are favourable to the North. He established an Islamic Bank in a secular Nation, of course the reason was to use it as a conduit pipe to finance the Islamic Agenda’s. It is clear that Sanusi, when he was the CBN. Mallam, publicly supported Boko Haram. He linked Boko Haram to derivation. Hear him in an interview with financial times Friday “There is clearly a direct link between the very uneven nature of distribution of resources and the rising level violence. (Refering to the insurgency) Obviously when such a statement comes from an Economic guru” who knows too well that the lack of development of the North is clearly because of the neglect of the Northern states by Northern governors who stole from the state treasury wrecklessly. It becomes ridiculous. Against Rational thinking he pretends and looks else where to place the blame. Even at the Federal level, the Northerners have ruled the Nigeria state for more than 30 years and they refuse to benefit the North or any section for that matter. We should begin to read beneath the lines. It is not in any record that Sanusi Lamido publicly condemned Boko Haram while he was the Chief-Imam of CBN or now that he is the Emir of Kano. WE SHOULD LEARN FROM THE EXPERIENCE OF TURKISH CHRISTIANS Turkey is the birth place of numerous Christians saints and Apostles such as Paul of Tarsus, Timothy, Nicholas of Myra, Polycarp of Smyrna and many others. Antioch in Turkey was the place where the followers of Christ were first called Christians. Turkey is the home of the seven churches in Asia written in the book of Revelation. But today turkey has a smaller Christian population than Syria or Iran. About 120,000 Christians in a country population of over 70 Million. There were 349 active churches in Turkey as at October 2012. Turkey now has about 98% Muslims. About 1.5 million Christians were slaughtered in May 1915 by Ottoman commanders. Present day remaining Turkish Christians are constantly under attacks by Muslim (Islamic Jihad). Most churches have been converted to Mosques. The main problem of the Turkish Christians was that they under estimated the Islamic Jihad! (See Wikipedia – Christianity in Turkey) POLITICS IS A GAME OF NUMBERS! If politics is a game of numbers. Then the church of Christ in Nigeria should be winning and determining the flow of things in Nigeria. You only need to visit church programmes of RCCG, MFM, Christ Embassy, Clam, Foursquare Gospel Church, Deeper Life Christian Church, Roman Catholics, Anglican and many other Christian churches to be convinced. According to Pew research of Pew Forum.Org who did a spot light on Nigeria and the population of Christians. It is stated that Nigeria is the home to the largest Christians population in the whole of Sub-Saharan Africa with 80Million Plus. Christians compared to about 76Million Muslims in Nigeria as at 2010. Even as at today and in view of the serious disapproval of Nigerian population of the senseless destruction by Boko Haram who claim to be Islamic fundamentalist I am sure that the number of Muslims in Nigeria as drastically reduced. Further Analysis: Protestants - 60Million Catholics - 20Million Other Christians - 750,000 The growth of Pentecostal churches has been very dramatic between 1963 – 2010. This is the time for the church to galvanize, synergize and mobilized all Christians to stand and be counted. Gone are the days when we pretended and played the Ostrich. We must defend our faith or Else we shall be sentenced to another 100 years of Islamic rule which does not permit the freedom of other religion. Remember that when the righteous rule, people rejoice, but people groan when the wicked rule (Proverb 29:2). This is the time for Christian leaders to quit the pretense and play the politics. In any case we claim to be non-partisan yet we endorse politicians by acknowledging their presence in our meetings, we are actually playing Politics. If defending our faith is politics then it is high time we play it. This is the time to be very very unequivocal about the defense of our faith. The world is watching, Heaven is watching. We must use every medium to sensitise the church including the social media. We must not under estimate the Islamic-Jihad as they did in Turkey. We must do away with all doctrinal divisions and concentrate on our area of common faith and be united to fight the common enemy of our faith. The bible encourages the unity of faith. We can never be united in doctrine but we are enjoined to be united in our faith. (Eph 4 v 13) This is also the time for the Catholic arm of CAN (to close rank with the Pentecostal Arm) as well as with other Arms to bury the Hatchet and close ranks. As long as the church is divided for whatever reasons, we cannot be a threat to the Islamic-Jihad. In the interest of Justice and fairness (Though I doubt if the Muslims will spare a thought in this direction). Power must shift to Christians. I should think that the Koran preaches fairness and justice. The Northern region has had more Muslim National leaders since independence to the disadvantage of Christians: 1. Ernest Shonekan (Christian South) 2. Gen Obasanjo (Christian South) 3. Gen Yakubu Gowon (Christian North) 1. Gen Muhamadu Buhari (Muslim North) 2. Gen Sani Abacha (Muslim North) 3. Gen Ibrahim Babaginda (Muslim North) 4. Gen Abdusalam Abubakar (Muslim North) 5. Alhaji Abubakar T. Balewa (Muslim North) 6. Gen Murtala Mohammed (Muslim North) 7. Alhaji Shehu Shagari (Muslim North) 8. Alhaji Umaru Yar Adua (Muslim North) Even the blind can see the great injustice by the North. Except the North, since they believe that they are born to rule! Also similarly in Lagos State, a very Pivotal state in Nigeria, same lopsidedness and injustice is clear for all to see. For 16 years Lagos State has been governed by the Muslims with 100% support by the majority of the Christian population in Lagos. But talk of power shift and the Muslim begin to cry wolf! Now they claim, religion should not matter. This is the height of insincerity and blatant display of religious biase on their sides. It further goes to prove that a Muslim cannot deal with you in truth because they have hidden Agenda of Islamanization. In the spirit of fairness, power must shift. We must defend our faith at all levels. Isn’t obvious that all the state in the South West are gradually taken over by Muslim governors? They shout publicly that we shouldn’t bring religion into politics yet they are the first to play the religious card. Haba! Who says Christians cannot bring good governance? I stand to be corrected. The best state in Nigeria as at today is Akwa Ibom and is govern by a practicing Christian governor! Let no man make a caricature of a serious matter, My faith is worth defending! As a Christian you must defend your faith. Your vote in 2015 must be a vote against Islam in all its ramifications. YOUR ROLE AS A BELIEVER IN NIGERIAN POLITICS OF 2015 1Pet 3 v 14: But and if ye suffer for rightousness sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled. Jude 1 v 3: Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. Eph 4 v 13:Until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, Defend your faith. One sincere way to defend your faith is to vote against the Islamization of Nigeria. You cannot pretend that it is not real. You cannot be so naïve to state that governance is not about religion and claim that anybody can rule as long as they know what they are doing. This will be the height of naivity. By such statement you are also alluding to the fact that there are no good Christian leadership material. Isn’t it absurd and a clear scorn and ridicule of your Christian faith to vote for any party that does not believe that you have brains or any of the people of your faith have quality. It is an indictment and apostasy. “The word Apostasy is described as the state of having rejected your religious faith or belief or being in favour of opposing belief over your own belief. It is a state of disloyalty, back sliding, Desertion, defection, betrayal and forsaking of your Christian Faith. A political party that has all its National Leaders as Muslims, in a Nation where Christians have more population is definitely an Islamic Party and a disguised weapon of the Islamic Agenda. Except they balance their officers with Christians. Such parties should be voted against. I am simply defending my faith, just as they are defending theirs. If you as a Christian vote for the Islamization of Nigeria you will have questions to answer when you stand before God on the last day. Also remember, it will be wickedness on your part, not to consider the difficulty, you will be putting your children when after teaching them the way of the Lord they become Martyr in Nigeria in the hands of Islamic fundamentalist because they will not be allowed to practice their faith. You are not even allowed to seat on the fence on this matter. You are either on the LORD’s side or on Islam’s Side. JESUS SAID WHEN I COME WILL I FIND FAITH. THIS IS A SERIOUS QUESTION FOR EVERY CHRISTIAN IN NIGERIA TO ANSWER, IN VIEW OF THE APPARENT ISLAMIC AGENDA TO ISLAMIZE THE WHOLE OF NIGERIA STARTING FROM THE NORTH.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 17:53:58 +0000

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