IN MY OPINION | red dead letter - TopicsExpress


IN MY OPINION | red dead letter Promises disappointment Thats the word from the beginning . Maybe its not the end . First race . Containment . Maybe Im wrong , but would not be surprising that Fernando Alonso is encontrase jaded, tired of living a year and another and another , and up to five , beginning of year without the best car , fighting as if he were living at it for each inch of track with a car that is not up to his enormous talent . That is so. And it has always been since that is in Ferrari. Matter who . I see everyone else to see . The effort by the Maranello to turn this situation every season is evident , but so far are not succeeding . In Australia , Fernando started fifth and finished fifth (fourth after the disqualification of Ricciardo ) . But his teammate Kimi Raikkonen, the same as the previous year had won at this track with Lotus , started eleventh and finished eighth ( seventh at the end) with a late overtaking Vergne at Toro Rosso . The stand of the Finnish and the fact that two cars that finished ahead of Spanish , Red Bull and Mercedes, from losing two of their cars in the early laps with Vettel and Hamilton dropouts , gives the measure of the place where the Ferrari. And when you consider that the two Williams struggled even more . At present, the performance of the Italian car is worse than Mercedes, Red Bull , McLaren and Williams. And that despite the Spaniard completed the second fastest lap behind Rosberg. But the pace became more than a second slower than the German pilot star brand back. So, Ferrari has to react . It can not be otherwise . Seen as it is, tell me if you honestly believe that there is time for this team to fight this year for the World Cup, asked Stefano Domenicali in Melbourne. Sure, it will not be easy, but of course there is time , have the resources and we will do everything possible to bring this about . The truth is that the situation has not been a surprise at Ferrari. In Maranello and had planned that the first three or four races of the season were, will be difficult . But a source from the team promises a safe aggressive and constantly changing that. In Maranello s all good , they are taking the right steps and the road is planned as it should be. Trust. Again . That call from the Scuderia. Ferrari has done a great job with the new wind tunnel , simulator , the hours passed there a specialist as De la Rosa, Allison signings and other technicians. And all that should count for something . The information we have gathered this weekend clearly points to the direction we should take and what areas need more work. It will be important to catch up as soon as possible and react the way this team has always proven to be capable of. Our engineers know what the priorities and the areas that need the most immediate attention , explained Domenicali. Fast. Nice words and promises year after year remain a dead letter . Endure ? Alonsistas , Ferraristi and Kimi aferrimos another year in white instead of red ? Well see if in Monza (Italy ) , complete the box Ferrari booing or applauding , demos time. Only that time . Kira Yagami Pista Deslizante
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 17:05:00 +0000

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