IN THE MIDST OF FAMILY SQUABBLES ... GOD WINKS “One day I was talking with my chiropractor ABOUT LIFE, HOW HARD IT IS, and that I just felt hopeless. At the end of my appointment she handed me a SLIP OF PAPER on which she had written, ‘God Winks at You, by Squire Rushnell’. For the next week I read several of your stories every night. I began to feel like a huge burden was being lifted, and I was able to feel better, and even smile. Out of the blue MY MOTHER CALLED wanting to get together to talk and RECONCILE. If she’d called ten days earlier, I would have refused … but now I was able to face the music, make amends. That night, thanking God and smiling, I opened up your book and read about Moe. That was the story about actor Chuck McCann and his black Labrador dog. How he was bereft when Moe died. Then, months later how Chuck came across a pet adoption fair and a little dog with two different colored eyes came up to him. And how shocked he was when the owner said his name was ‘Moe.’ I loved that godwink and the way the story ended with Chuck saying, ‘I’ll always miss my first Moe, but this little Moe is filling a big hole in my heart.’ I finished the story with uncontrollable tears. You see, almost to the day, our Yellow Labrador, Jaeger, had also passed away. He was the most beautiful, sweetest lovable dog on earth. He was truly special. The next day I CALLED MY MOTHER and asked her if I could stop by after work. I brought over your book and waited for my dad to get home. I opened up to the story about Moe and READ IT ALOUD. I barely got through it. I had only had a few glimpses in my life that I saw my FATHER CRY … and this time, it wasnt a glimpse … he was. My MOTHER WAS SOBBING, and by the end, there was a sort of ‘Wow’ feeling at how God lets us know He is there, guiding us and taking care of us. We just have to be ready and listen. After that day my parents would wake up every morning, have their devotions, and would read your book. We’d get on the phone and talk about them. Even now my dad calls and asks, ‘What was your God wink today?’ Thank you again for writing your stories.” Krista Clark If someone asks you, “What was your godwink today?” feel great about it. Perhaps they, like Krista’s Dad, are using godwinks as a point of reference, recognizing that they come from a loving God who CARES ENOUGH ABOUT YOU to send a REASSURING person to person MESSAGE of HOPE. Wishes and winks SQ Btw: Krista’s story was published in Godwink Stories: A Devotional; Chap 4.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 23:50:00 +0000

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