INCREASE YOUR FAITH An important difference between God and man - TopicsExpress


INCREASE YOUR FAITH An important difference between God and man is that God is moved by faith, while man is moved by feelings. Most of what we do for and with people is based on how we feel about them and ourselves. We help when we feel like. We visit when we feel like. We give because of how the person in need makes us feel about their situation. Pause for a moment and ask yourself, What if God moved based on how I made him feel? Do I love him enough, did I give him enough of me to warrant my comeback? The truth is, many of us would never be born and would be dead by now if Gods approach was our approach. Despite how we make him feel through our thoughts, words and actions, he is there, leading us through green pastures and protecting us from the snares of the enemy. Imagine what life would be like, if you lifted your eyes to the hills and said, Lord, I need your protection tonight. I am going to die if you do not come through, and he replies, You are on your own tonight, I am not in the mood or Wow, now you remember me? If our aim is to be more like God, our feelings should not stop our worship. God has proven over and over that our feelings do not stop his blessings. Many of us increase our emotions in our times of trouble and wonder, Why isnt God delivering me? I have cried blood, sweat and tears! The unpolished truth is, he is not moved by your tears. He is moved by your faith. Cry if you have to, but never let your tears drown your faith. Increase your faith, not your feelings. ~JJP
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 14:09:01 +0000

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