INDIVISIBLE, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL They say nice things but I am not sure they are true, I see plenty of divisions across our land. It is not foreign enemies, but people right here in America who accuse and cause wide splits among us. Extremists on the right and left attack any who differ and blame them with being “traitors,” “liars” and worse. There is evidence out there, and depending on how you interpret it, you can see others as heroes or villains. Too bad many interpret the most negative as possible, seeing only evil in any who disagree—is this really how a republic should operate? Such suspicion and hate, accusing and attacking, blaming and criticizing—no wonder there is little co-operation in the capitol! “Believers” are as bad as others, acting with an attitude like the accuser of the brethren, condemning right and left! Where is meekness, humbleness or a teachable spirit? Hate reeks from this land! Do we even deserve a democracy? With attitudes of hate and criticism, maybe we deserve a dictatorship, to learn to appreciate what we had!! God help the stern attitudes and the harsh, critical spirits we cherish. The “log” in our eye is worse than anything in the others persons heart. They call themselves patriots, but true patriots said they would die to defend their adversaries views. Not these folks—they are dying to insult and smear their enemy’s motives and reputations. Big difference. July 7, 2013
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 03:44:36 +0000

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