INEC JEGA Could Save Africas Greatest Country By Growing Big Balls - TopicsExpress


INEC JEGA Could Save Africas Greatest Country By Growing Big Balls Under. ARTICLE 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights stipulates that: “Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives….This will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government, this shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.†This proclamation affirms that a free, fair and credible election is one in which the people have the opportunity to participate. There should be freedom to run for office, to speak out in support of a candidate and vote for one’s choice without fear. In the words of Professor Jega the INEC chairman: “Nigerians have aspired for democracy; they have aspired for free, fair and credible election for the deepening and consolidation of democracy. But this aspiration has been continuously frustrated to the extent that one can say that many Nigerians have been wondering about whether democracy is worth it.“ See: thisdaylive/articles/politicians-stakeholders-frustrating-credible-elections-prof-jega/197092/. Well, that is why the Nigerian people hired you to create, train, and delivers free, fair and credible election processes that are transparent and verifiable at any point in the process. By now, the Nigerian Electoral Commission (INEC) should have presented the upcoming election process planning to the Nigerian people in a simplified form - so that even primary school students are able to understand as well as simulate the process. At this point everyone should know the process by heart. There is less fraud and manipulations everyone knows the process. However, the big question in Nigeria today is: can INEC guaranteed a free, fair, credible and transparent election process in a society where there is a high level of bribery, corruptions and election manipulation? According to the recent polls conducted by PDP and APC as reported in This Day’s newspaper on December 15th, Muhammed Buhari clearly won the election polls conducted using SMS text messages and voice mails. These polls are important because in most countries, the will of the people are usually reflected in the polls and that gives the aspirants the time to adjust their messages as they go through the campaign processes based on what the polls are saying. However, and judging by the previous elections conducted in Nigeria since 1960, we all know that the recent survey poll results conducted so far will not reflect the will of the Nigerian people because we have some nefarious characters who are already planning to rig and manipulate results. When elections lack credibility, people lack confidence in their leaders and the nation suffers because those elected do not seem to be accountable to the people. In a situation like this, little time is devoted to the overall developmental plan of the country and much time is spent challenging the credibility of the government. So, an essential feature of election – whether in the Nigeria or the United States of America is that the process is credible, free and fair. Mackenzie (1967) as cited by Ujo (2004), identified four conditions of a free and fair election, which included independent judiciary to interpret electoral laws, a honest competent and non-partisan administration to manage elections, a system of political parties that is well organised in their policies and traditions and presentation of credible candidates before the electorate. If you agree with Mckenzie (1967), then the Nigerian election administrators (INEC) owes the Nigerian people an election process that is free, fair, transparent and anyone should be able to simulate the processes for training and learning purposes at least five months before the election National Election Objectives: To most people, election objectives are setup by default as soon as organization such as INEC was setup by the government. To use a popular American cliché, election objectives should be a “slam dunk†as in basketball, but it’s not that simple. Objectives are the ends that an organization such as INEC seeks to achieve. After the objectives are set, then INEC will have to decide the means it will use to achieve those ends by drawing up a plan and a strategy. AT this point the INEC organization must have device an overall aims which can be break down into specific objectives, or targets. So, I am not quite sure today whether or not INEC has devise a set of objectives that has been sold to Nigerians and majority of the population is in agreement with those set of objectives. Democracy is a liberal political system based on freedom to exercise civil rights to choose members of the society that will represent the people and every members of the said society must agree and approve a clear set of objectives as part of the election process. So, in order for the Nigerian people to agree with the results of the election as credible - irrespective who wins the Presidency or governors there is a need for the INEC to create national election objectives that makes sense and to lead to results desired by the Nigerian people. This should be a simple one-time process that INEC could have conducted and completed long before the election dates are announced. Predictive Success Indicators: Electoral objective settings that Nigeria people agreed to and approve will lead the INEC into setting up predictive success indicators. The objectives will tell the Nigerian people in very clear term what success will mean at the end of the election excises. With that every Nigerians that knows how to count will be able to say or see that 2 + 2 is equal to 4. The point is that the Nigerian people must be able to predict the results based on a set of criteria. For example, INEC could tell the Nigerian people how many people are registered to vote in each State as well put a simple process in place where the Nigeria people can verify the numbers of people that registered for the said election versus the numbers of people that voted. With that said the survival of the Nigerian nation - a country some us love to death lies in the hands of the guy named INEC Professor Jea. In preparation for this piece I perused that INEC website below is what I received. 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Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 19:18:22 +0000

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