INFIDELS OF BRITAIN: VIEWPOINT: #IMMIGRATION FEARS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACISM. I am becoming increasingly concerned at the way people are being condemned as bigots and racists for merely voicing their opinion and saying what the majority are thinking, writes Susan Richardson. I would have thought it obvious that our infrastructure is at breaking point with schools overcrowded, GP’s surgeries and the NHS unable to cope, plus the chronic shortage of housing. To make matters worse we are also expected to tolerate seeing our conservation areas and precious countryside concreted over in order to build houses for these people. There is anger and resentment from the indigenous population for we are witnessing the erosion of our culture by the multitude of people arriving here who we cannot possibly accommodate. I am afraid there is no party with an inspirational or strong enough leader who will set this country on the right track. Only another Winston Churchill would have the guts and capability to do that. Graham unger Mascall: Absolutely spot on Peter Straw We NEED someone to stand up for the UK. This rePressive Era of PC has to go. The Rush to Accommodate immigrants MUST go. Anyone who is NOT willing to swear the requisite Oaths, should be repatriated forthwith. There must be someone who is Committed to Education, etc, who can Draw the Line at the dilution of our Society - someone who supports a strong Military without being a get the drift. Find those people and get them Elected. If I was not so close to 70 I would come back myself. Gerri Baker: Well said !!!!! Ray Gibson: As far as I know the Iceni died out centuries ago, so all this indigenous nonsense is b/s. The Complete Works of TGR Worzel: I feel that there is another Storm Gathering.
Posted on: Tue, 06 May 2014 20:52:40 +0000

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