INTERACTIVE MESSAGES REVEALS - 9/26/2014 If you were guided to - TopicsExpress


INTERACTIVE MESSAGES REVEALS - 9/26/2014 If you were guided to the LEFT cards, this is your intuitive message... Breathe deep and know that as the seasons have changed you too have transitioned, or are still transiting through what was a challenging time in your life. You have moved through and things are now going to begin to settle down for you, emotionally is what I hear. As you reflect back over the summer months, you are guided to pause and observe how much has changed. Notice the subtle changes is what I hear because it is the cumulative effects of these small, subtle changes that you will now with hindsight clearly see. You are a HEALER and as such it is most important that you do your work, for it is in healing your beautiful heart you help and support others to do they same. Healer, heal thyself and of course lead by example, for it is your actions that speak louder than you words ever could. I trust your message resonates and offers you LOVE, SUPPORT and ENCOURAGEMENT today. Feedback is always, appreciated, Namaste, Lisa xo If you were guided to the MIDDLE cards, this is your intuitive message... It is time dear one to let go of a troubling stagnate situation in your life. It could be simply you need to release and let go of outdated thought patterns, beliefs and / or habits. It could also be that you need to let go of a relationship or leave a job. Whatever it is in your life, I am being shown that it has had a hold on you and really this hold is your inner resistance to LETTING GO. Ego says no stay it is fine and it is much to scary for you to release this. Spirit says, TRUST IN YOUR HEART WHAT YOU KNOW IS RIGHT AND TRUE FOR YOU. Because in at the end of the day it is you who needs to be peaceful with the decisions you make. Not making a decision causes discomfort and perpetuates pain patterns, no longer of use. You already know your answer, it is now up to you to dig deep, and TRUST YOUR UNIQUE PROCESS TO HEALING. It is time to breathe in nice and deep and surrender to the DIVINE FLOW of the UNIVERSE WITHIN YOU. There are some issues I am feeling within the SOLAR PLEXUS so clearing and balancing this chakra is important at this time. The energy around you supports a cleanse and or detox. I trust your message resonates and offers you LOVE, SUPPORT and ENCOURAGEMENT today. Feedback is always, appreciated, Namaste, Lisa xo If you were guided to the RIGHT cards, here is your intuitive message... You need a break, time to get away and clear you head, because it has been way to busy of late. It feels like there has been a lot of time spend, go over and rehashing things that no longer serve. This holding pattern has been an ego distraction from you taking affirmative action in the direction of your DIVINE DESTINY. You need to decide who is most important in your life. HINT - IT IS YOU!! No more bending and sidestepping to keeps others appeased while you dishonour the TRUTH that you know in your heart. There is a strong WHITE LIGHT presence around you and I feel it is here to help lift you up out of a complacent place in your life. I also feel the energy of DEER who speaks of the need for you to be gentle and compassionate with your heart as you feel tender and sensitive right now. Time for a break from the ordinary duties of everyday, YOU DESERVE a break and some childlike fun and play. Keep on sending your breath down deep to help you get out of that heady mental body energy. Ground into MOTHER EARTH and know that you are supported every step of the way. I trust your message resonates and offers you LOVE, SUPPORT and ENCOURAGEMENT today. Feedback is always, appreciated, Namaste, Lisa xo Wisdom of the Heart Intuitive Healing
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 23:31:42 +0000

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