INTERSELIGER LIFE-CHANGING EXPERIENCE/ BEST MOMENT STORIES! #4 I love Russia and INTERSELIGER, as INTERSELIGER is one of the largest Youth forum in the world! In 2013, I met friends from across the globe of different walks of life, all who have amazing personalities. During my participation at INTERSELIGER 2013, Ive found my second home and family in Russia, the people Ive met are my friends for life and became part of who I am. The knowledge,experiences and life lessons Ive learnt at INTERSELIGER will stay with me forever and helped me better the person I was yesterday making me a better person today. Being taught, politics, business innovation, social activism, youth leadership and policy building, diplomacy by the best Professors from around the world have added to the self development of myself and aided in my ability to a better role model and leader in my community. It gave me the skills to go out into society and truly use them to help other youths like myself to achieve their best in their lives. I recall waking up to my camp supervisor at 5:30 AM shouting lovingly Princessa Guyana, wake up! , being in a forest that has WiFi, was the first for me. Having to fetch food from across the campsite was an amazing venture in Soviet Union looking War canister was any history lover, like myself dream, warming up next to fire with friends from all over the world was life changing. Every turn you made, you met someone from India, China, Austria, Armenia, Serbia, Switzerland so ,much more ...even my very own countrys neighbor Brazil! INTERSELIGER morning exercise was the best... I met a half Gypsy Russian who became one of my closest friend.. I was thought to produce and write TV features by the one and only famous Journalist Sean Micheal Thomas, Had one of US President Barack Obama speech writers teach me public speaking skills and learnt diplomacy from One of the best Marty Bolin. Amongst all the academia, there was Swimming in lake, treasure hunting, salsa dancing, video games sessions, floating boat House cafe and gazebo, while looking at the sunset, seeing a Russian wedding, bungee jumping from a tree in Russian Forest (was my first, one of the scariest, happiness moments) most memorials was standing guard at the eternal flame, paying tribute to the soldiers of the world wars. With my proudest being able to hold my country flag High as I showcase Guyana at INTERSELIGER 2014. The there was cricket match with India and Pakistan, being able to hold my country flag at such prestigious, fun match was an honor and happy moment. That is just a few, but the one that will never go away is finding a place where i can call my second home and people i can call my second family. :) :d :)
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 10:18:15 +0000

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