ISLAMIC STATE CLOSES ACCESS TO WATER SOURCES TO DRIVE OUT CHRISTIANS: The Islamic State (ISIS) has been closing access to water supplies from the Tigris River to Christian towns in an effort to eradicate Christianity from the region. A historic Christian city of 50,000 about 19 miles southeast of Mosul, Qaraqosh is under the protection of well-armed Kurdish fighters whose autonomous region disputes the area with both ISIS and the Iraqi central government based in Baghdad. Now, in a further effort to oust Christians from land they have inhabited for two millennia, the Islamic terrorists have begun turning off a precious utility: water. Since taking Mosul on June 10,ISIL terrorists have squeezed Qaraqosh and nearby Christian villages by blocking the pipes that connect the communities with the Tigris river. The city must have water trucked in, at huge cost, from Kurdish-controlled areas just 15 miles away. The Islamic State days ago also issued an ultimatum to the Christians in the town of Mosul, the second largest city in Iraq, ordering them to “convert to Islam, pay a religious tax or face death by the sword.” An exodus went on in Mosul throughout the following Friday, with all the Christians abandoning the town by the end of the day. “For the first time in the history of Iraq, Mosul is now empty of Christians,” said one man. A bishop in the neighboring city of Tel Keif said, “Hundreds were walking on foot.” He said many of them were bereft of all money or possessions - and that ISIS had robbed them of all of their belongings before setting off for refugee camps. (Worthy News) Meanwhile, the UN is busy accusing Israel of human rights violations in the Gaza Strip. Instead of backing Israel’s right to respond to human rights violations by Hamas, the intl forum in Geneva chose to side with the terrorists. Likewise, a mere 600 miles away from Gaza is Mosul, and the UN remains mostly silent about the brutal persecution of Christians in Iraq by ISIS terrorists, and utterly unmoved to do anything about it.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 00:19:20 +0000

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