IT IS A TRAGEDY To EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN and THEIR CHILDREN and THEIR LOVED ONES WHO FOUGHT and DIED To PRESERVE OUR NATION that our PRAVDA STYLE, Once Honorable, Once Trusted, MAINSTREAM NEWS media HAS PURPOSELY and CONTINUOUSLY Kept OBAMAS DARK PAST & HIS - EVIL - SAUL ALINSKY - TACTICAL DECEPTIONS to ESTABLISH DICTATORSHIP over The AMERICAN GOVERNMENT and The VOICE They Represent & Those Many RED FLAGS, from Day One, RAISED to CAUTION CONGRESS and THE DEMOCRAT NATIONAL COMMITTEE That OBAMAS PROFILE indicates a Dangerous VERY DISTURBED SOCIOPATH from [ And Boldly Kept From ] The AMERICAN PEOPLE by This Medias TRAGIC SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST WAY. ..GET-OFF your IGNORANCE AMERICA, and RESEARCH The FACTS Yourself. ..Look At OBAMAS TACTICAL OBSESSION called The Affordable Care Act and How Its Obviously Designed to Get Control of Americas [ still predominate ] White [Alinsky ] Middle Class. ..Look At OBAMAS PROMOTIONAL SUPPORT of COMMON CORE and How Its Obviously Designed to Ultimately Take Away Parental Say and Local School Boards Administration in order to Get Complete Control [ Stalin Style ] Over What Our Children Will or Will Not Learn. ..Look At OBAMAS PASSION to BY-Pass The American Voice by Obsessively Using his Democrat Comrade Power to Ignore and override [ The ] Our Very Concerned REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVES Check and Balance Power [ Isnt it obvious that Obama Is Out To Destroy the Republican Party to Establish A One Party Dictatorship ?]. ..Isnt It Obvious that BY GIVING AMNESTY to POTENTIALLY 20 MILLION ILLEGALS [ which will undoubtedly keep Them coming ] and AMASSING THEIR Potentially ALL DEMOCRAT PARTY FAVORED VOTE which WHEN ADDED TO OBAMAS ALREADY COLLECTED MINORITY Vote WILL Definitely WEAKEN The Strength off Americas Only Other Major Party or The Other Half of Americas Voting Voice [ notice the either way win in Obamas presidential elections ] ? ..The TIME LEFT TO STOP The TAKE OVER of OUR NATION is SLIPPING AWAY. ..Dont be THE PEOPLE of 1930s Germany, Italy or Japan [ 40 Million Paid with Their lives before It Was Stopped ]. ..FOR THE SAKE of YOUR AMERICAN CHILDREN and OUR AMERICAN CULTURE realize HOW AMNESTY, OBAMA CARE and OBAMA CORE fits into The EVIL of OBAMA AND HIS WASHINGTON DEMOCRAT SENATORS. ..OUR NATION WAS FORMED for HUMAN FREEDOM by AN EXTENSION of THE ANGLO- EUROPEAN WAY of LIFE - Dont Think for One Moment That Obama Doesnt Know That At The Beginning of The 70s Anglo European Descendants made up 90% of Our Population and Today its Only 60% or That He doesnt Believe That He is at A Point of Control to Quickly Make The American People of Anglo- European Decent with Their Preserving Ideology Less Than 50% of Americas Population. ..Dont Kid Yourself into Believing that Obama isnt An Habitual Liar or Is Truly A Christian [ 20 yrs. of Jeremiah Wright ] or Loves Western Capitalism or Western Intellect and Order. ..AT THIS MOST DANGEROUS and PERILOUS TIME, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE and THEIR 250 YEAR WAY of LIFE ARE FACING ANNIHILATION. ..ONLY Pushing - Back by REMOVING DEMOCRATS FROM WASHINGTON This NOVEMBER can FIGHT THIS HORRIBLE THREAT. ..FIGHT COMMUNIST/SOCIALISM, REMOVE DEMOCRATS FROM WASHINGTON ..SAVE AMERICA before THEY TAKE AWAY Our 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHT to ARM OURSELVES AGAINST GOVERNMENT TYRANNY and THE TYRANT.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 22:21:50 +0000

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