IT IS REALITY (Why I love Islam Part 1) How nice will it be for - TopicsExpress


IT IS REALITY (Why I love Islam Part 1) How nice will it be for an Imam to go on air and say “this is your year of breakthrough, this year all of you will have jobs and money”. It will obviously sound nice to the delusional but the reality is that some will be rich, others will be poor, some will give birth to baby boy, others baby girl, and others twins who are boys or twins who are girls or mixed twins but others will be barren; so why lie or are you ashamed of how God Almighty made things? Islam is perhaps the only faith which does not look for a scapegoat or blame carrier for how God Almighty has made life. Some blame the up and down of life on karma which means anyone who is going through challenges have done evil before and is being repaid; even though this may remove sympathy for one in distress. Others blame it on Adam eating a fruit; even though when I have malaria Adam will not have to swallow bitter pills. And others blame it on the anger of the “gods” over what the fellow has done. Islam alone stands out for the truth being that man was created into struggle, in other words you are told the natural truth which is that life is a struggle rather than the feel good gospel that there is a family curse that needs to be broken The Qur’an says: “We have certainly created man into struggle. Does he think that never will anyone overcome him?” (Qur’an 90:4-5) This verses do not only tell you the whole truth, it also tells you that whatever wealth you have can be taken away. In explaining the statement of Allah in the Qur’an that “You shall certainly experience stage to stage”, Al Hassan Albasri said it means Ease after difficulty, difficulty after ease, wealth after poverty, poverty after wealth, health after sickness, and sickness after health. This is just the natural truth which no one can deny about life and this truthfulness is from the reasons I love Islam Another area to this truthfulness is that Islam uses the reality in solving problems. This explains why it teaches the youths not to go near fornication so that they won’t commit it. It is also why it does not only speak against suspicion it also tasks the other party to only put hands in matters that are clear so that suspicion does not arise. It is also why it does not only tell men not to commit fornication of the eyes but it also tells women to help men by dressing properly. And it is also why it realises that some men cannot retrain their love and desire to one woman so it allows more than one wife for whoever needs it though with restrictions. It is also why it does not stipulate an age limit for marriage because the reality on ground is that people are not defined by their age Islam is not a belief based on the illusion that once one has a certain spirit he can drink poison and not be harmed. A man came with a camel to the Prophet and asked if he should pray that his camel is safe where he left it or if he should tie it. The prophet said to him “tie your camel and pray”, this is being real while knowing God Almighty can do all things. It is in line with this that Muslims are expected to maintain righteousness but still fear God Almighty. A Muslim is not filled with pride boasting about how he has one spirit or another mercy; he is balanced knowing fully well that being good is not enough as no one can surpass his Lord in goodness. This is why when you hear other people say “may God forgive you” you hear the Muslim say “May God forgive us all” and this is why when the Muslim says he will be in the paradise when he dies he quickly adds “In shaa Allah” and tell you it is if Allah wills because he knows it is not by his deeds afteral if his deeds were to be expended on gratitude for having a eye alone it will not be sufficient Islam is real and in line with nature because it is from the Creator of the heavens and earth who intends that relating with Him be easy and based on truth. I urge every Muslim reading this to be firm in faith and every non Muslim reading this is invited to Islam which is not the religion of any tribe or race but for mankind I pray Allah gives you benefit from the little I have been able to say. Any error in my presentation is from me, any good in it is from the mercies of Allah Al Faruq Ramadhan 1, 1434AH
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 15:41:34 +0000

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