Id like to introduce you to God... Regardless of whether-or-not - TopicsExpress


Id like to introduce you to God... Regardless of whether-or-not you actually believe in God, when you read that opening sentence, it evoked an instant preexisting belief... I ask you now to set that belief aside... And try to read what Im about to say with objectivity... This reasoning is based upon the Hebrew and Christian Bible but is easily applied to any faith and can be appreciated by believers and nonbelievers alike... Before introducing you to God, let me first attempt to explain what God is... This is probably of the most hotly debated questions in history but notice I said, What God is and not Who... This is because I am not addressing the personal aspects of the entity known as God but, rather, the impersonal and universal... It is our Personal association and identification, with our idea of God, from which religion stems and our beliefs unfold... Lets start from the very beginning by addressing the oft quoted: In the Beginning...the earth was formless and empty **before there was life on earth it was a big rock, with water from a comet or asteroids on it, formed from the elemental remains of previously exhausted stars... Darkness was over the surface of the deep **darkness is the absence of light and light is the foundation of life... Because all physical life on earth is devoted to transforming the energy of the suns rays into mechanical energy by digesting plants and animals in various forms... The Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. **so the Spirit, or essence (if you will) of God, is the potential which existed on the earth before the formation of life... For potential to exist, so too must be That for which the potential exists so... In other words, All that Can be, Is of God... Or God Is Being God Is = I Am To realize, I Am is the declaration of self awareness, as in Renee Descartes: ...therefore I Am And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. **all matter is merely energy vibrating at a slower frequency (Bill Hicks)... The Word spoken was the force of potential, set into motion, which ultimately formed life, as we know it... It defied the Laws of Probability and guided a serendipitous series of evolutionary processes which culminated in the creation of life on Earth... So what Is God? According to my explanation, one aspect of God is The Light... That is, the Source of Life and the Dawning of Awareness... Without which Nothing, as we understand it, Exists... God introduced the Laws, of physics and morality, which introduced order into the chaotic and inhospitable universe and world... Into the Darkness of Nothingness, God introduced potential and possibilities... And The Light, of energy and awareness, to pierce the Darkness.. Making Something, out of Nothing... And creating for us an opportunity to realize... Our own existence and that of the Maker of the Universe
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 05:25:21 +0000

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