Identity Crisis If youre a good observer, youll agree with me - TopicsExpress


Identity Crisis If youre a good observer, youll agree with me that the major problem most young people actually have is that of identity crisis. In other words, not too many of them truly know who they are, hence, the first reason theyre easily swayed by every form of information. Who are you? The first thing an individual really need to do to successfully finds his bearing in life is self-discovery because, who you are is who youll attract in your life. The importance of self-discovery cant be overemphasized. However, except a man has a clear understanding of who he is, hell believe and accept just anything. Thats disastrous! The worst condition one could ever find himself in is when hes ignorance of himself. How sad that could be! Thats the situation of many all around the world today. So as a young person, refuse to be ignorance of yourself because its a very terrible place to be. If you havent discovered that, I urge you to make conscious effort to find out who you really are. This is because if you dont, Satan and circumstances of life would define and molest you. Its risky not to know who you are. You wont go far because youll be limited. This is why you cant afford to be ignorant of your own self. If you dont discover who are, no one would ever discover your existence. Theres absolute need therefore to discover in order to be discovered. Your identity has everything to do with your personality, the totality of your attitudes, interests, behavioral patterns, emotional responses, social roles, and other distinctive traits that endure over long periods of time. The truth is if you dont know who you are; youll accept and do virtually anything. You wont be able to make choices of your own. Anything just goes for you. Such an individual has no place in todays world, because the kind of world we live in today is ruled by those who have an identity. Ill say this again you really dont have a voice in todays world if you dont know who you are. Youll definitely feel timid or apprehensive for not knowing who you really are. But if you do have it, youll be bold to voice out and be heard. Another thing is, if you fail to know and tell people who you are, youll be told who youre not. And the effect therein is that events, circumstances and situations of life would give you an identity that you wont like. On the other hand, this could cause you to be cheated, molested and harassed ever finding yourself in such situation. So, its definitely not a nice place to be. You cant say you want to fulfill destiny when you dont have an identity. As much as you need God in the journey to fulfilling your destiny, you also need people. Your identity or personality attracts recognition. People are attracted to those who truly know who they are. However, true identity is never a function of accident but a function of knowledge. In other words, for you to fully comprehend who you truly are has to be through the power of knowledge. Knowledge here isnt that of Science; what you acquired from the four walls of any institution of learning. It has all to do with the knowledge of your Creator. Hes the One and only Who knew and designed your true identity and He reveals you to you in and through His Word the Bible. In the book of Jeremiah, God said Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations Jeremiah 1:5. Thus, in light of what you knew and understood God has said about you in His Word is what produces in you boldness and confidence to voice out who you are anyhow, anywhere and anytime irrespective of what events, circumstances and situations of life present you with. See, a man who truly knows who he is cant be put under. A thousand times NO! He cant be because hes someone whose identity isnt conditioned by the things happening around him but by what the Word had said. Such a fellow or fellows are ones who can boldly declare that while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal 2 Corinthians 4:18. Thats someone who truly knows who he is. However, its of great importance for one to know his identity early enough in life. Like I earlier said if you dont know who you are, circumstances of life would definitely give you one. Note your academic qualifications cant give you true identity except God. Theres an identity of the world though, which you get through your involvement or participation with the system of the world and all that it craves. But true identity comes from the Creator of life. Now, as a young individual with good livelihood, wont you rather identify with God so He can reveal to you your true identity for your world to be identified with you? Stay blessed
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 06:17:26 +0000

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