If Jesus Christ restored Gods Government through the End Time - TopicsExpress


If Jesus Christ restored Gods Government through the End Time Elijah to the Church, in order to prepare the Church to help Jesus Christ restore Gods Government to the entire earth when He returns, as the Bride of Christ, as a helpmeet, ruling with her Husband Jesus Christ, then ask yourself this question: Does your church have Gods Government? Perhaps you claim that your church has Gods Government? A from the top down type of government? A council led type of government? A Collegial type of Government? A biblical type of Government? Does your church claim authority to bind and loosen doctrine? Who has that authority to bind and loosen really? Quote from Herbert W Armstrong- There has been much discussion at Pasadena between certain ministers of lower than apostle rank, as to the CHURCH binding and loosing. So now let it be MADE OFFICAL – by Christ’s present day apostle – that this binding and loosing PLAINLY, CLEARLY was given to Christ’s chief APOSTLE – not to lower rank ministers ordained by his authority – not by the CHURCH as a body – but by the APOSTLE! When men who held office under the apostle, and by his appointment or approval, took it in their own hands, in his absence – stealthily KEEPING IT FROM HIM – to water down God’s TRUTH, alter his doctrines, assume unauthorized authority, then the living CHRIST moves His apostle to ACT SWIFTLY, to PUT OUT the prime mover in this conspiracy, and, under Christ, set God’s Church and Work BACK ON GOD’S TRACK! (excerpt from https://facebook/HWATVarchives/posts/537007429736105) So LCG members: Does your Church have the power to bind and loosen doctrine? So UCG members: Does your Church have the power to bind and loosen doctrine? So PCG members: Does your Church have the power to bind and loosen doctrine? So RCG members: Does your Church have the power to bind and loosen doctrine? What about any of the other COG churches? Do they have the power to bind or loosen anything that God gave through His chosen apostle Herbert W Armstrong? Their ministry is only in existence because God called and raised up Herbert W Armstrong. Dear Rod Meredith:(https://facebook/pages/Roderick-C-Meredith/161175060654965?fref=ts) You were trained at Mr.Armstrongs feet. You were ordained as an Evangelist in Gods Church. But I can say truthfully that you still believe what you believed back then. Notice this excerpt from Mr.Armstrongs reading of a letter in 1979- Mr. Armstrong, I find that the articles you write have a ring of truth to them. When I read them, I just know that they are right; and I am not exaggerating when I say that I literally EXULT when I read them I really do rejoice at Gods truth (although sometimes it hurts)! And so I tend to study your articles VERY CAREFULLY; I am often surprised at how much I miss the first time I read them - you pack so much into your articles! As I study, much is committed to memory (at least in general terms); my purpose is to see things as you see them - to have your mind (and hence Christs mind) on various issues. And that brings me to the main purpose of writing this letter. Three or four months ago I was intensively studying your article on How Christ Gives the Church Its Beliefs, which appeared in the November 20th, 1978. Good News. I memorized its main points, and thoroughly marked up my Bible - especially at Matthew 16:18, on the subject of binding and loosing. I was then staggered - left literally speechless - when I read an article in the March, 1979. Good News, which, in my eyes at least, just plainly CONTRADICTS what Christ is saying through you! Whereas Christ teaches, through you, that binding and loosing is given only to His apostles, the author of this particular article states that the ministry have the authority to make binding and loosing decisions. (Quote from- https://facebook/HWATVarchives/posts/537011159735732) Notice, Mr.Meridith your article being mentioned. Your article Should you help the underdog? claims that all the ministry has the authority to bind and loosen. Mr.Armstrong said he was responsible for this reprint article. You can find that in this article- https://facebook/HWATVarchives/posts/537011159735732 ) But I notice what you are teaching today is the same as your article back then. Here is a LCN Issue. July- August 2007. Notice the editorial, explaining that the MINISTRY has the power to bind and loosen. Thus going directly against the apostle of the Living God! He took the blame for you in 1979. But you really did believe what you wrote then. You are teaching it still. Why have you forsaken God and His Ways, dear friend? Why are you teaching against the true teachings of Christ? Why doesnt your church have Gods Government ruling? Dear UCG: You claim that the ministry has power to bind and loosen, to come together in council and make a decision via the voting process. Here is one of your papers claiming this. members.ucg.org/papers/governance.pdf You also have a doctrinal team.(see video- coe.ucg.org/content/doctrinal-committee-discussion-john-elliott) Why have you forsaken God and His Ways, dear friends? You were all trained at Ambassador College were you not? You learned Gods Ways from Gods apostle did you not? Then why are you conducting yourself and teaching others contrary teachings? Why doesnt your church have Gods Government ruling? Why are you running yourselves off of a systematic Theology program? You have a doctrinal committee and all. What did Mr.Armstrong say of such a committee? Quote from Mr.Armstrong- How new truth is revealed Now WHERE does our TEACHING come from? What doctrines and teachings shall we accept? Those voted on by the doctrinal committee? Fellow ministers and brethren, Christ through me has abolished the doctrinal committee! Gods Church is being set back BY THE LIVING CHRIST on the track of ORIGINAL TRUTH as CHRIST instilled it into Gods Church through His chosen apostle! Too little of the efforts of the doctrinal committee were to find and accept genuine new truth - but to DISprove, to alter or change truth, which Christ already had established in Gods Church! From time to time I propose to give you examples of that, as I proceed to REestablish the ORIGINAL POSITIVE TRUTH given us through CHRIST, correcting the errors - though they be few - in the Systematic Theology Project (STP). The real Head of this Church has continued to reveal NEW truth - genuine bona fide NEW truth - through His apostle, but there seems to have been a tendency for some to ignore or try to disprove what CHRIST has inspired. Look, now, to the matter of HOW the original Church of God received its truths and its doctrines. There were NO DOCTRINAL COMMITTEES of special intellectual scholars who got together and decided on and then gave to the Church what it was to believe. The living CHRIST, the HEAD of the Church, gave His Church HIS truth THROUGH HIS APOSTLES! Through Peter, through Paul, through James, INSPIRED through those He chose. (excerpt from -- https://facebook/HWATVarchives/posts/537018416401673) What about the PCG and the RCG? They both claim to be apostles, yet they have rewritten, edited, destroyed, removed text, from the writings of Herbert W Armstrong and are placing their own doctrines above that which has ALREADY HAS BEEN RESTORED! What about the rest of the COG groups? Do they have authority to bind and loosen? If they claim to have that authority, or if they alter any teachings that were restored and taught by Jesus Christ through HIS CHOSEN apostle and end time Elijah, then you know that Gods Government is not there. WE MUST MAKE SURE OF THESE THINGS! Let us go back to what was taught, and learn the Way of God that was prepared FOR US, by Jesus Christ through the end time Elijah Herbert W Armstrong. LET US BE GROUNDED IN IT. Let us support it as the PILLARS we have been called to be! Let us lift it up, so no man nor woman can trample it anymore. Dont believe what men has been telling you. DOnt be followers of men. BUT LET US FOLLOW GOD. We have been called by God into the Church of God. We have been called FOR A PURPOSE. To back and support the apostle of Jesus Christ. In the Work of God! And many have lost sight of that purpose. Satan is trying to get you off track spiritually so you will not qualify to replace him. He wants you to fail. He wants you to support his works,his groups that are teaching contrary. SO prove all thing brethren. Even you ministers. You have been deceived. And you have been teaching deception. But God is now offering you a chance to repent and to get back on track with His apostle, with His Son Jesus Christ, with His family. Satan has been going after you ministers most of all. Is it about time we hold up the Government of God instead of the Government of man? The groups you are helping, are being ran by men, and are administered by the government of men. The Government of God was restored to the Church through Herbert W Armstrong the end time Elijah, in order to prepare you, and all of Gods people, to help rule with Jesus Christ at his second coming, and to help Christ restore that to the entire earth! But if you are apart of an organization, that lists you as a supporter, as a member, realize this: If they are not being led by God through HIS GOVERNMENT, they are not doing Gods Work. And whatever consequences, whatever penalties that organization incurs on itself, you will be held as collateral for that debt! These churches have went back to the government for permission to exist and to have loans and grants, in order to fund their work. They have signed contracts with Babylon. And what is coming will trap you or anyone that is in these groups, and you will be listed as collateral for that organziations debts. You will be taken away as slaves, because of that contract. Wont you go back to Gods Way, that way which was restored through the end time Elijah Herbert W Armstrong, and help your brethren out of the traps Satan has set? Their blood will be on your head! DO you realize this? You will be held responsible for their innocent blood by God. Take what we have shown you, go and see if your church is teaching the same teachings that were taught by the apostle! If they are not, then you have your answer. Will you stand with Jesus Christ, by doing your duty? Or will you cower back in fear and allow Satan and his men to MUZZLE you and LEAD you about? Are you a Harlot? Or are you going to act like the Bride of Jesus Christ you have been called to be apart of? Your answer is on your head. See this excerpt from the Mystery of the Ages by Herbert W Armstrong. - Begin Quote----------------- Once Again: Why the Church? But WHAT, then, IS the Church? And WHY is the Church! Why should there be the Church of God? To many—and probably most—the Church plays no part in their lives. Indeed God plays no part in their lives. God is not consciously in their world. Just people, material things and interests. Of course, far back in the subconscious recesses of many minds may lie the dormant supposition that God exists. But he does not seem real to them. That means also that the average person has no conception of what he is, why he is, or of any purpose or meaning for his being alive. Yet the Church, too, does exist. But, again, why? What is it, really? What purpose does it serve? We have seen that there is indeed a purpose being worked out here below. Winston Churchill stated that before the United States Congress. There is a reason for the presence of humanity on the earth. And for the working out of that purpose there is a master plan. The Church is an important part of that plan. Never lose sight of the setting that led up to the raising up of the Church. Keep in mind who and what God is—the divine creating family, now reproducing himself in man. Bear in mind further: In order for Christ to restore God’s government over the earth, he would need with and under him a qualified and organized personnel of God Beings—all having rejected Satan’s false way and having proved their loyalty to the government and righteous ways of God! God’s Church was designed in his supreme master plan to prepare that dedicated and organized personnel of God Beings. The Church, then, became God’s instrumentality for aiding him in bringing about the salvation to humanity. Remember God has set out a 7,000-year master plan for accomplishing his purpose. We have stated that his purpose is to reproduce himself. But actually reproducing himself means converting the world from sin into God’s righteousness. It means instilling within God’s potential children the perfect spiritual character of God. They would become finally born sons in the God family. And just as God has not created all at once, but in successive stages, so he is bringing salvation to the world in successive stages. The Church is a necessary instrumentality preparatory to, and in order to, bring salvation to humanity. Therefore, once again, let it be emphasized that the purpose of the Church is not merely to give salvation to those called into the Church, but to teach and train those predestined and called into the Church as instruments God shall use in bringing the world to salvation. (Excerpt from chapter 6 the mystery of the Church, in The Mystery of the Ages written by Herbert W Armstrong)
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 00:13:08 +0000

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