If the GOP dont pass Amnesty and get CREDIT for it first, before - TopicsExpress


If the GOP dont pass Amnesty and get CREDIT for it first, before the Democrats, and transfer our IRS STOLEN American Middle Class wages, salaries and property to the ILLEGALS, in the form of EBT Food Share Cards, taxpayer subsidized low income housing, Federal entitlements, Federal and State free benefits, free public schooling, Federal and State welfare, etc, etc, etc, they will never have power ever again for the foreseeable future, and they know it, whats more. Politically speaking THEY NEED the well over 20 MILLION ILLEGALS votes outta thin air. The Republicans are RIGHT about that. That is the POLITICAL reality on the ground. That is why ONLY the NEW American Movement called; SOLIDARITY for Ninth and TENTH Amendments COALITION, can STOP the GOP and the Democrats from turning America utterly Socialist/Communist/Fascist, by passing State Joint Sovereignty Resolutions with Arrest Provisions in each of our home Countries, which form, according to the Preamble of The Constitution, a more perfect Union of fifty free, independent and sovereign States, who granted our elected Republican and Democrat usurpers only eighteen powers and spending limits for the privilege of SERVING us and our States in these very limited eighteen capacities, with all other power and spending (and our entire wages and salaries according to The SCOTUS) reserved to the States, respectively, or the people. At this juncture of absolute GOP and Democrat CONTEMPT for our TENTH Amendment supreme law of the land; ELECTIONS ARE NOT THE SOLUTION TO OUR PROBLEM, ELECTIONS ARE THE PROBLEM ! Because BOTH Parties will/are use/ing our IRS Stolen wages, salaries and property, along with our INDIVIDUAL and STATES Rights and SOVEREIGNTY, to buy elections from their chosen special interest voting blocs within the American voting MOB. Our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws protects our wages, salaries and property from the IRS and our Rights from our elected Republican and Democrat enemies of our Bill of Rights. These two supreme laws of the land, once restored, will RESTORE our ENTIRE Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence and our WHOLE Constitution by STATE legislative measures leading up to incremental State nullification of all UNLAWFUL Federal spending and Acts of Congress and/or the Executive branch, which shall be ENFORCED by State and Local Law Enforcement ACTION upon all Federal agents and agencies who are spending money and/or otherwise operating above the eighteen powers and spending limits granted them by We The People under our Constitutional LAWs. God Save Our American States! youtu.be/-7Y1ougODMo JOIN the ONLY remaining HOPE for America called; SOLIDARITY for Ninth and TENTH Amendments COALITION. SIGN UP HERE: https://facebook/events/1464895897101312/ The more elections we have for the GOP, the more they HAVE TO buy votes with OUR IRS Stolen wages, salaries, property that they transfer to their CHOSEN special interest voting blocs of whom they want to bribe to come under their BIG TENT... This includes KRONY Corporations and KRONY Banksters whom they bailout off of the sweat of our backs. The DEMOCRATS are EVEN WORSE if that is even imaginable! ? - Capt. Karl #Constitution #IndividualRights #amnesty #StatesRights #9thAmendment #10thAmendment #entitlements #publicSchools #welfare #ILLEGALS #teaparty #rights #BillOfRights
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 14:55:02 +0000

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