If u havent checked the news to see whats going on, you might want - TopicsExpress


If u havent checked the news to see whats going on, you might want to. Please pray for our military as they carry out air strikes against this militant group of terrorists called Isis. This is the worst, most evil group of our lifetime possibly. Al Qaeda has kicked them out of their group because theyre too violent! That tells you something! Theyre stranding tens of thousands of Christian refugees on a mountain to starve them out. Weve been dropping food and supplies to these poor people. Isis is also killing Christians. Theyre beheading babies! I know thats disturbing, but it should be. When youre kissing your children and tucking them in tonight, remember these heartbroken parents. The next time you dont share Jesus with someone because youre afraid they might make fun of you or afraid theyll think youre weird, remember that many faithful Christians are dying because they refuse to deny Christ. Pray for the persecuted tonight. I just saw a video of one Isis soldier threatening America. He was begging us to get involved so they can kill many Americans. He said they will humiliate America, and wont stop until they fly the flag of Allah in the White House. But, Im so thankful for the greatest military on the face of the Earth. We take these true heroes of ours for granted too much. Pray for our US troops. Freedom doesnt just happen.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 00:10:31 +0000

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