If yall havent read his bio...you need to...in his younger days he - TopicsExpress


If yall havent read his bio...you need to...in his younger days he was a force to be reckoned with... He has a felon on his record for kidnapping at a major college due to segreation... After the 1968 assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., Jackson attended the funeral in Atlanta as one of the ushers.[12] Jackson then flew to Memphis to join an equal rights protest march. In a Parade interview Jackson revealed: I was angry about the assassination, but I wasnt shocked by it. I knew that change was going to take something different – not sit-ins, not peaceful coexistence.[13] In 1969, Jackson and several other students held members of the Morehouse College board of trustees (including a nearby Martin Luther King, Sr.) hostage on the campus, demanding reform in the schools curriculum and governance.[14] The college eventually agreed to change its policy, but Jackson was charged with and eventually convicted of unlawful confinement, a second-degree felony.[15] Jackson was then suspended for two years for his criminal record and his actions. He would later return to the college to earn his Bachelor of Arts in Drama in 1972.[16] While he was suspended, Jackson was employed as a social worker in Los Angeles.[17] Jackson decided to return to Atlanta, where he met with Stokely Carmichael, H. Rap Brown, and others active in the Black Power movement.[13] Jackson revealed in the same Parade interview that he began to feel empowered with his involvement in the movement, especially when the group began buying guns.[13] However, before Jackson could become involved with any significant armed confrontation, his mother sent him to Los Angeles after the FBI told her that he would die within a year if he remained with the Black Power movement.... Sing it...
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 10:48:39 +0000

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