If you believe the western media you are a victim & a tool - TopicsExpress


If you believe the western media you are a victim & a tool of the propaganda that caters to the elite the racketeers. For the past week (see below), the western media & particularly the US’media went on high gear to criticize & disparage the Egyptian justice system and the judgement handed down on three Al Jazeera employees. You heard it right, those three were employees of Al Jazeera and not newspapermen, unless you feel that someone like the editor of the Da’ish newspaper rag is a newspaperman. The thing that really incensed me and made me write this note is the complete & deceptive hypocritical statements by Kerry & his acolytes. I would like to remind my American & western friends about certain historical events that they seem to have forgotten either intentionally or due to age (I’m being kind here.) First, there was Al Jazeera cameraman Tareq Ayyoub who was killed…no, assassinated in a raid targeting Al Jazeera’s offices in Baghdad. Here is how Al Jazeera described him, a martyr of duty and a dear and loyal colleague”. theguardian/media/2003/apr/08/iraq.iraqandthemedia Then there was Tayssir Allouni, an Al Jazeera journalist who was arrested at the behest of the US & sentenced to 7 years by Spain (he’s Syrian-Spanish) on the drummed up charge of acting as a financial courrier to Bin Laden. 7 years, hmm how ironic. news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4283328.stm Then there is Sami Al-Hajj an Al Jazeera cameramen covering the US military operation in Afghanistan & Pakistan. While his colleague was allowed in, al-Hajj was arrested, in what was to be a harrowing, nightmarish odyssey that lasted close to seven years, most of it spent as prisoner 345, the only journalist imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay—without charge. truthdig/report/item/john_brennan_sami_al- hajj_and_the_blight_of_guantanamo_20130110 AND en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sami_al-Hajj So for the bleeding hearts with crocodile tears at the NYT, WP, AP, AFP, BBC, Reuters, NHK, etc. Next time you want to demonize your target just be more professional and don’t make fools of yourselves, already nobody believe you anymore & I suspect that within a very short period you will become irrelevant. Just to embarrass you some more, the judgement issued by the Egyptian courts are not final & can be appealed. copied
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 08:27:28 +0000

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