If you dont know who Sh. Rabee’ is, THEN GET TO KNOW HIM! His - TopicsExpress


If you dont know who Sh. Rabee’ is, THEN GET TO KNOW HIM! His biography… His Name and Lineage: He is the Shaykh, Al ‘Allaamah, the Muhaddith, Rabee’ bin Haadee bin Mohammad ‘Umayr Al Madkhalee (hafidhahullaah ta’ala) from the tribe of Mudaakhala, a well-known tribe in the Jaazaan district in the southern part of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This is one of the tribes of Banu Shabeel. Shabeel was Ibn Yashjab bin Qahtaan. His Birth: He was born in the village of Jaraadiyah, which is a small village to the west of the town of Saamitah, close to three kilometers away from it. Now, the village is connected to that town. He was born in the year 1351H, towards the last part of the year. His father passed away almost a year and a half after his birth, so he was raised and brought up in the house of his mother, may Allaah have mercy on her. She supervised him and took charge of raising him in the best possible manner, and she taught him good characteristics, such as honesty and trustworthiness and to be motivated about making the prayers. She would make him go pray, while under the supervision of his paternal uncle. His Educational Upbringing: When the Shaykh reached the age of eight, he joined the study circles of the village. There, he learned proper handwriting and recitation (of the Qur’aan). From those who taught him handwriting, were Shaykh Shaybaan Al ‘Areeshee and Al Qaadee Ahmad bin Mohammad Jaabir Al Madkhalee. He also learned under a third person, called Mohammad bin Husayn Makkee from the town of Sibyaa’. He studied the Qur’aan under Shaykh Mohammad bin Mohammad Jaabir Al Madkhalee, as well as the subjects of Tawheed and Tajweed. Afterwards he studied in the Salafee School of Saamitah. From the teachers whom he studied under in this school, were: the knowledgeable, Shaykh Naasir Khaloofah At-Tiyaash Mubaarakee (rahimahullaah) who was a famous scholar from the major students of Shaykh Al Qar’aawee (rahimahullaah). He studied the books Buloogh Al Maraam and Nuzhat-un-Nadhr of Al Haafidh Ibn Hajr under him. Then he joined the Educational Institute in Saamitah after that, and there he studied under a number of noble Mashaayikh, the most famous of whom, generally speaking, were: Shaykh Haafidh bin Ahmad Al Hakamee – the well-known great scholar (rahimahullaah) and his brother, Shaykh Mohammad bin Ahmad Al Hakamee. He also studied under the great scholar, the Muhaddith, Ahmad bin Yahyaa An-Najmee, may Allaah preserve him, and the Shaykh, the ‘Allaamah, Dr. Mohammad Amaan bin ‘Alee Al Jaamee (rahimahullaah). He also studied under the Shaykh, the Faqeeh Mohammad Sagheer Khameesee the book Zaad Al Mustaqni’ with regard to the subject of Fiqh. And there are many others whom the Shaykh studied under, such as in the subjects of Arabic Language, Literature, Eloquent Speech (Balaaghah), etc. In the year 1380H, upon finishing his allotted time, the Shaykh graduated from the Educational Institute of Saamitah. In the beginning of the year 1381H, he joined the Faculty of Sharee’ah in Riyadh and stayed there for a period of one or two months. Then the Islaamic University of Madeenah opened, so he moved to Madeenah and joined the Islaamic University’s Faculty of Sharee’ah. He studied there for a length of four years and graduated in the year 1384H with a grade of Mumtaz (Excellent). The teachers whom he studied under in the Islaamic University: 1. The Shaykh, the ‘Allaamah, the former Chief Muftee of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ‘Abdul ‘Azeez bin ‘Abdillaah bin Baaz (rahimahullaah) under whom he studied Al ‘Aqeedah At-Tahaawiyyah. 2. The ‘Allaamah, the Muhaddith, Shaykh Mohammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) under whom he studied the subject of Hadeeth and its chains of narration. 3. The Shaykh, the ‘Allaamah, ‘Abdul-Muhsin Al-’Abbaad, under whom he studied the subject of Fiqh for three years, with the book Bidaayat-ul-Mujtahid. 4. The Shaykh, the ‘Allaamah, the Haafidh and Mufassir, Mohammad Al Ameen Ash-Shanqeetee, author of the book Adwaa-ul-Bayaan, under whom he studied the subjects of Tafseer and the Principles of Fiqh for four years. 5. Shaykh Saalih Al ‘Iraaqee, under whom he studied ‘Aqeedah (Creed). 6. The Shaykh, the Muhaddith, ‘Abdul Ghaffaar Hasan Al Hindee, under whom he studied the Science of Hadeeth and its terms. After graduating from the Islaamic University of Madeenah, he worked as a teacher in one of the learning institutes of the Islaamic University for a while. Then he joined the Department for Higher Studies at Umm Al Quraa University, where he continued his studies, obtaining his Masters Degree in the subject of Hadeeth in 1397H, by having completed his dissertation, which is well known as ‘Between the two Imaams, Muslim and Ad-Daaraqutnee.’ Then in the year 1400H, he obtained his Doctorate Degree from Umm Al Quraa also, with the grade of Mumtaz (Excellent). And this was because of his checking of the book ‘An-Nukat ‘alaa Kitaab Ibn as-Salaah’ of Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajr (rahimahullaah). After that, he went back to working as a teacher in the Islaamic University (of Madeenah) in the Faculty of Hadeeth, where he taught Hadeeth and its Sciences. He became head of the Department of Sunnah in the Department for Higher Studies several times. Now, he currently holds the position of chair-holding professor. His Attributes and Characteristics: The Shaykh, may Allaah preserve him, is distinguished by his great humbleness in front of his (Muslim) brothers, students, questioners and visitors. He is humble with regard to his household, his clothes and his means of transportation – not liking to have luxury in any of these things. He is also always joyful and with a cheerful countenance. He doesn’t fatigue his students with too much talk. And his gatherings are always filled with readings in Hadeeth and the Sunnah and warnings against innovation and its people, to the extent that a person that doesn’t know him well or mix with him may think to himself that the Shaykh doesn’t preoccupy himself except with doing this! He loves the Salafee Students of Knowledge and he is polite to them and treats them kindly. And he strives to assist them with their needs as much as he is able to, both physically and financially. His home is always open to the students of knowledge, to the point that not one day passes that he is able to eat his breakfast or lunch or dinner by himself. And he inquires about his students and assists them and shares with them. He is among the persistent and enthusiastic callers to the Qur’aan and the Sunnah and the Creed of the Salaf. Many in these times cannot equal his great zeal and passion for the Sunnah and the Creed of the Salaf. And in our time, he is from those who are defending this methodology of the Salaf as-Saalih, day and night, in hidden and in open, without letting the accusations of the critics censure him, for the sake of Allaah. The Scholar’s Praise for him: In a tape entitled ‘Al-Muwaazanaat: A modern-day Innovation’, the late Imaam Al Albaanee (rahimahullaah), praised Shaykh Rabee’, saying: “And in brief, I say that the Carrier of the Flag of (the science of) Al-Jarh wat-Ta’deel today, in this present time, and rightfully so, is our brother, Dr. Rabee’. And those who refute him do not do so with knowledge at all. And the knowledge is with him. And even though I have told him often that if he would only be softer in his manners, which would be more beneficial for the masses of people, whether they are with him or against him. But as for with respect to knowledge, then there is absolutely no grounds for criticizing him, except for that which I have mentioned just now that there is some severity in (his) manners. But as for the saying that he is not fair, then this is a statement that carries no weight. No one says such a statement except for one of two people – either he is ignorant, so he must learn, or he is biased and following his desires. So this person, we have no recourse with regard to him, except to supplicate to Allaah to guide him to the Straight Path.” In the tape ‘Questions from Sweden’, Imaam Ibn Baaz (rahimahullaah) was asked about Shaykh Rabee’ and responded: “Indeed, Shaykh Rabee’ is from the scholars of the Sunnah – (and then he mentioned Shaykh Mohammad Amaan Al Jaamee with him and said) – the two of them are known to me for their knowledge and virtue.” In a cassette entitled ‘Al ‘Uthaymeen’s Meeting with Rabee’ Al Madkhalee and Muhammad Al Imaam’, Shaykh Mohammad bin Saalih Al ‘Uthaymeen (rahimahullaah), said when asked: “There is a question concerning the books of Shaykh Rabee’?” “It is clear that this question is in no need of my response, for as Imaam Ahmad was once asked about Ishaaq bin Raahawayh – may Allaah have mercy on them all – so he said: ‘The likes of me is asked about Ishaaq? Rather Ishaaq should be asked about me!’ I have already spoken at the start of my talk about what I know of Shaykh Rabee’, may Allaah grant him success. And I still insist until now on what I stated then. And his coming here and his talk in which he informed me of what he did – no doubt – are from the things that only increase a person in his love for him and his supplicating for him.” His Books: His books are many, all praise be to Allaah. The Shaykh has written on many important and required topics especially that of refuting the people of innovation and desires in these times, in which the rectifiers are few and the troublemakers are many. His books include: 1. ‘Between the two Imaams, Muslim and Ad-Daaraqutnee’ (It is a large volume, which was his Master’s Dissertation); 2. ‘Remarks on the book of Ibn As-Salaah’ [Verification] – This was printed in two volumes and was his Doctorate’s Dissertation; 3. A Verification of the book ‘Al-Madkhal Ilaas-Saheeh’ of Al Haakim – The first volume of this book was printed; 4. A Verification (checking) of the book ‘At-Tawassul wal-Waseelah’ of Ibn Taimiyyah – In one volume; 5. ‘The Methodology of the Prophets in Calling to Allaah’ (Translated and printed in English); 6. ‘Methodology of Ahl-us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah in Criticizing Men, Books and Groups’; 7. ‘The Categorisation of the Hadeeth into Saheeh, Hasan and Da’eef between the actuality of the Muhadditheen and the falsification of the Blind followers’ – A Refutation of ‘Abdul Fattaah Abu Ghuddah and Muhammad ‘Awaamah; 8. ‘Exposing Al-Ghazaalee’s stance on the Sunnah and Its People’; 9. ‘Preventing the Aggression of the Disbelievers and the Ruling for Seeking Assistance from Non-Muslims’; 10. ‘The Status of Ahlul-Hadeeth’ (Translated and printed in English); 11. ‘The Methodology employed by Imaam Muslim in Arranging his Saheeh’; 12. ‘Ahlul-Hadeeth are the Victorious and Saved Group’ – A Discussion with Salmaan Al ‘Awdah; 13. ‘A Study of the Prophetic Hadeeth’; 14. ‘Shedding Islamic Light on the Creed and Ideology of Sayyid Qutb’; 15. ‘Sayyid Qutb’s Revilement of the Companions of Allaah’s Messenger’; 16. ‘Protection against the Dangers that are found in the Books of Sayyid Qutb’; 17. ‘The Decisive Border between the Truth and Falsehood’ – A Discussion with Bakr Abu Zayd; 18. ‘The Reckless Hazards of (Mahmood) Al-Hadaad’; 19. ‘Clarity in Defending the Sunnah’ 20. ‘One Group (Jamaa’ah) not many Groups (Jamaa’aat) and One Path not Several’ – A Discussion with ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ‘Abdul Khaaliq; 21. ‘Noble Support in (writing) a Concise Reply’; 22. ‘The Condemned Form of Fanaticism and its (Evil) Effects’ 23. ‘Clarifying the Corruption of the Standard used to Measure’ – A debate with a hidden hizbee (sectarian); 24. ‘Warning of the Falsehoods in Tawdeeh Al Maleebaaree’; 25. ‘A Refutation of the Falsehoods of Moosaa Ad-Duwaysh’ 26. ‘Annihilating the Fabrications of ‘Abdul-Lateef Bashmeel’ 27. ‘The Onslaught of Salafee Blazing Meteors against the Khalafee encampments of ‘Adnaan (‘Aroor)’; 28. ‘Advice is a Collective Responsibility in Da’wah Work’ – This was printed in the magazine ‘At-Taw’eeyat-ul-Islaamiyyah’; 29. ‘The Qur’aan and the Sunnah – their effect, their status, and the need for them in establishing education in our schools’ - Printed in the 16th Issue of the Islaamic University Magazine; 30. ‘The Islaamic Ruling concerning the one who reviles Allaah’s Messenger or criticizes some part of His Message’ – This is an article that appeared in the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Qabs (Issue 8576) on 9/5/1977; The Shaykh has other books that we did not mention here. We ask Allaah to assist him in completing the good and to grant him the ability to do what He loves and is pleased with. Surely, Allaah has power over that and He is Able to do it. Source: ‘The Scholars’ Praise for Shaykh Rabee’’ Maktab Al Idreesi, Yemen. [E-Book]
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 23:10:27 +0000

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