If you have been involved in signing the petition Monte Vista - TopicsExpress


If you have been involved in signing the petition Monte Vista would you please take a moment to read. Council could sure use your help. This comment is strictly about the traffic right now around our schools: I thought long and hard about what to put on this petition and I will warn some of you may not like what I have to say at some point as you read this. Over the past 5 years I have worked with Public Works, CHP the Schools and GUSD to make positive improvements to our surrounding schools. Sidewalks at El Adobe and Orange, a litany of signs up and down Orange Ave. An alternate drop zone at Two Strike Park, Red curbs and this is just at Monte Vista. Recently with the help from the same group of people we convinced Supervisor Antonovich to pay for a crossing guard at Rosemont Middle School from County funds where all unincorporated crossing guard funds come from. There are currently $140,000 more worth of improvements being reviewed at Public Works at this same intersection. There was the fight and ultimate win to get the lighted crosswalk at Foothill and Glenwood. Some miscellaneous help at Mountain Ave. and now the fight to get Big Rigs of the overpasses so our kids at CV have a place to park safely. I want you to know this because I am very well aware of our current issues more than you will ever know. After all of this hard work to still see the lady drop her child in the red zone makes me crazy. And yes by the way I did tell her to move. I have no problem I feel some ownership in helping our kids get to school safer. I want us all to feel this way. Here is the part you may not like. Five years all of these improvements and still the same self-absorbed people doing the same dangerous acts when taking or picking up their kids. When does this stop when enrollment is at 100 children per school? How do we make each and every person stop, think and yes contribute to resolving this problem? RIGHT NOW Monte Vista is not overcrowded and yet the parking under the no parking signs continue, the dropping in the red zones, the u-turns in the middle of drop off. What is this? Every child is just as important as yours. This issue needs to be solved now. You read this petition and it is apparent we all see the problem. So here is my challenge to all of you. Find a resolution. Get out of the mix. Can you as a parent leave 10 minutes earlier, can you park at Two Strike can you car pool? Tell that parent to get out of the red zone, stop parking where no parking signs are posted. This is your child’s safety zone take some ownership of this and help. Get out of the neighbor’s driveway that is just plain rude. Every day we teach our kids to be safe and have manners. I am asking every person at every school to simply help. I can get you sidewalks, crosswalks, signs, banners marching bands but if the parents do not follow the rules and lend some help NOW what good is all of this. What is it that you can do today and tomorrow to help solve this issue that is here right now? Thank you for letting me bend your ear. I will promise you there is a wonderful group working to address this issue. Everyone’s suggestions to resolve the current problems are encouraged. Thanks for your time CV Councilmember Robbyn Battles
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 22:35:42 +0000

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