If you have not watched the movie Life of Pi, or if you have not - TopicsExpress


If you have not watched the movie Life of Pi, or if you have not read Yann Martels novel with the same name, I wouldnt recommend you to read any further, as you will not probably understand what Im trying to elucidate. So with all due respect, I discourage you from going any further if you have not seen the movie or read the book yet. Peace... After I watched Life of Pi, the heroic story of endurance, patience and survival... I literally took Richard Parker, the royal bengal tiger home with me. His essence was haunting me a bit, we sparked an emotional connect and slowly set me on a journey of self discovery. And today I tried to re-introspect and decipher his character. I sat through the movie again, the exquisite beauty of ocean unraveled in front of me, the battles between Pi and tiger in the restricted confines of a life boat, and the ultimate power of storytelling. What seized my attention right at the inception was when Pi Patel tells the writer, this will be a story that will make you believe in God.. Half way across the movie I assumed, I reckoned that in the end Pi and Richard would get rescued by a ship, the happy ending will tell us that God was watching all the affairs from heaven and honored Pis faith in him by giving back his life in the end.. Well I was mistaken, God wasnt watching him from above, God was right with him, battling life side by side.. The Sea took Pis family in a fatal shipwreck, life left him stranded adrifting right in the middle of Pacific ocean to spend nocturnal hours with a hungry tiger whos ready to prowl. Then life throws in thunderstorms and sprinkles some sharks in between to add to his miseries. Just when I started to fascinate, when will I believe in God, I reached the scene where Pi keeps Richard, the tigers head on his lap. When they finally became friends in the confines of that tiny boat, the message was evident, it was finally transparent to me... Richard Parker, the huge bengal tiger is the God! Yes, and that is who God really is, he is the tiger that visits us when we are in dire straits, when our entire life reduces into a small boat, when we are lost in cruel sea and desolated thunderstorms, God is that tiger who fights with us everyday to ensure we stay alive. We have our own fights with God each passing day, when he doesnt listen to our prayers, just like how Pi fights with Richard when he doesnt listen to him. We fight with God in the narrow space of our head, just the way Pi fought with Richard in his small boat, but sooner or later, we have to find a way to be friends with him. Like how Pi feeds Richard fishes, we have to keep God inside us alive, feed him with love, care and positivity. You wont find your Richard Parker when you are safe and invulnerable, you wont find Richard when you are sitting joyful at home. But he will travel with you into your extreme sea, through the thunderstorms of your life. In your darkest hours, he will be your only friend, the only hope and faith, he will fight with you, he will be your fear, he will be your anxiety and he will depress you. God will test you, push you to you extremes, but he will be there to guide you, to be that someone that makes sure your heart beats till you reach safe land, he will be your only friend, he will be your only reason to live, and finally he would walk and disappear into the woods, when he ensures you are in safe hands. I trust in you, dear Richard Parker. Blog Link - wp.me/p4Njor-3k
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 14:32:39 +0000

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