If you know me at all, you know I’m directionally challenged. A - TopicsExpress


If you know me at all, you know I’m directionally challenged. A few years back the husband, tired of rescuing me, bought me a Tom-Tom aka “The Lady in the Box”. She was ok but not always on top of things like she should be. For instance… telling me to drive through a field to get to the next exit or her continuous obsession to recalculate, I often found unnecessary and generally unhelpful. All in all sometimes we didn’t jive, so when I switched vehicles and it came with 3 months free Onstar, I was eager to try it out. The first week or so with Onstar was like being on a first date. I was hesitant and somewhat nervous to talk to it. Worried I might embarrass myself by saying something dumb. After a few direction requests and restaurant suggestions, we have developed our relationship to one of admiration and respect. We’ve bonded. I mean it’s true I do pay for this relationship now, but in all reality, who doesn’t pay? A few weeks ago I was in Memphis with The Spousal Unit and we had several stops we were making, most of which I enlisted the help of Onstar. I’d say over a 48 hour period we used Onstar a total of 12 times. I don’t know if this is unusual but a few days later I received an email from Onstar corporate regarding our many requests that weekend. I felt like I was being scolded. Like Onstar was calling me “needy”. Oh…Flashback to my dating years. Am I about to get…dumped? Like with any relationship, I mulled over the conversation with Onstar in my mind. Let me get this straight. I pay for Onstar monthly. There was nothing in the fine print limiting me on the number of times I could press that little blue button. I want…No, I KNOW I deserve an apology. I am not in the wrong here, it’s Onstar. I emailed him…I mean “them” back and told them I felt I was in the right and well within my expectations of this relationship. Onstar reluctantly agreed and said “We weren’t complaining at how many times you utilized Onstar, just making sure you were happy with our service.” Uh huh…Likely story. A little put out because of our recent spat, I didn’t call Onstar for a few days. I have to tell you. It was hard. I caught myself several times reaching for the button and catching myself. But no matter how bad I needed or wanted to, I refrained. I feel it was a needed time apart. A few weeks later I was headed to Little Rock with a friend and knew it was time we spoke. I pushed the little blue button and Onstar politely asked what they could do to help me. They even called me by name. Oh…my dear sweet Onstar, I’ve missed you so. I requested their assistance a few more times that day with no issues. It was like old times. It just felt right. After our day was over and I was feeling more and more comfortable, I decided to show off my rekindled relationship a little and pressed the blue button, one more time. I don’t know if maybe they thought I was getting too cocky or what but when I said “Yes, I’d like directions home, please.” Onstar said “Why yes, Mrs. Caldwell. I’ll download those directions now.” I smiled that knowing smile and looked at my friend feeling confident…just in time to hear them say “Raddison, New York is 1081 miles and 18 hours away.” I asked Onstar what they meant and we both came to the dreaded realization that he had me mixed up with my car’s ex-owner. I have to admit…It still stings a little….
Posted on: Sat, 12 Apr 2014 12:31:00 +0000

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