If you know me, you know that I love to share my journey. Its NOT - TopicsExpress


If you know me, you know that I love to share my journey. Its NOT about bragging or boasting, its ALL about inspiring people to let them know YOU CAN DO IT TOO!! If you have been following I am currently training for my FIRST IronMan 70.3 June 1. I have been swimming, biking and running like crazy for the past 6 months. I have recently added crossfit to my training. Some people dont understand why I would do such a thing. I chose to add crossfit for two reasons, I am there with my kids and the other for the mental shift that I need to take myself to the final stages of training for my event. Let me get to the point of my story......I hear people say ALL the time that I do not fit in, people will look at me strange when I go to a gym, I cant do what they are doing, its intimidating, etc. Well you know what....I was there today!!! I pulled up the WOD and saw what was listed and I looked at Matt and said I dont know about this. I cant do any of that, Im not going to go and be bothered. I am not there yet. Well HELLO RENEE.....how are you going to get there if you dont show up. So I went...I felt like a fish out of water with EVERYTHING we did tonight...but you know what...I did it and gave it everything I had. I will go back and tackle it again and again and again. So PLEASE dont ever let anything you see stop you from going and doing what YOU CAN DO!! Thank you members and Coach Drew Gammonof CrossFit FourZero FourTwo Cleveland for helping me understand what to do and your encouraging words tonight!!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 01:49:04 +0000

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