If you need any answers please just from now on get them from my - TopicsExpress


If you need any answers please just from now on get them from my posts. Seems ppl come to me asking questions then when I give them the rightly divided word KEPT IN CONTEXT, then I turn enemy 101. I am sick of it. I get the silent treatment, the cold shoulder & then my comments of info get deleted. I didnt COME TO YOU, YOU CAME TO ME, please dont get it twisted. It isnt my fault you dont know how to rightly dived the word by keeping it in context & expect me to give you all the answers. FYI: just so you know I didnt at onetime either, BUT here is the thing,{{{ I LEARNED ( 2 Timothy 2:15)!!}}} I got off my ass & searched & prayed for guidance from the Lord to show me his truth & HE DID. I was gullible at one time to take everything a preacher/minister said bcuz I reliezed that I was brainwashed by them!! THEY ARE HUMAN & make mistake & will mislead you intentional or not. Another sister mad at me & lost to religion & when she came I even said to her your NOT gonna like what you hear. The first time this happened she blocked me, then she reconnected & of course I forgave her & still do & will always love her BUT this time I have to draw a line of when enough is enough. So after all her temper tantrums were a sign, that was my FINAL cue to move on bcuz I wore out my welcome. God bless you always on your journey for his truth. Peace, love & happiness. Sometimes we just have to let therm go, otherwise we in then turn start looking & acting like the religious folk whacko doodles :O chasing them down forcing them to hear the good news & I aint forcing NO ONE to hear the good news. We can do more damage than good. TOODLES
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 22:07:27 +0000

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