If you starve yourself, your body will adjust its metabolic rate. - TopicsExpress


If you starve yourself, your body will adjust its metabolic rate. If you eat fewer calories than recommended at first you will be able to lose some weight but you will not be able to stick to the diet. Once the body has gone into starvation mode your body starts to store fat and burn muscle, which is never good. You need muscle to burn calories. Once your body cannot take the starvation anymore it makes up for loss by going into a form of hibernation, which leaves you feeling low spirited & lacking energy. Unfortunately, it takes longer for your metabolism to regulate back to a normal level than it does to shutdown, so everything you eat now goes into storage (fat) rather than energy, which is why we see people getting thinner & then ballooning again as soon as they stop dieting. a.Metabaslim will keep your metabolism in control usually £25+pnp on offer for £18+pnp last u 25 days. https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10646809_629552550492370_4549649694699128351_n.jpg?oh=d029846c484728ec605fb3f79d49cf05&oe=548D4FC1&__gda__=1422106909_6c8d9a2ea1bee77f4d1498e8671d7e62
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 11:43:24 +0000

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