(Ignore references to cigarettes...old post) I feel like I - TopicsExpress


(Ignore references to cigarettes...old post) I feel like I should be writing something…but…I do not know what the subject would be…~lights cigarette…drums fingers on desk and ponders~. Ah…funny story about my WiFi thingamahjoo. When I moved here and decided to purchase a WiFi system from my telephone provider, AT&T…see…I did that so I could view pictures of animals sporting cute human sayings…faster…which was going on three years ago (see, I’m so bored that I spelled “three” instead of using the numeric key “3”)…I felt a little anxious about the installation. I know how any little misstep can produce disastrous and frustrating results…so…when it was time to set it all up I followed the instructions to the letter…TO THE LETTER! CAREFULLY! I read and re-read each step and made absolutely sure I was being absolutely correct with my installation! NO DOUBT! NO…DOUBT! If the goddamn thing did not work it was not going to be because I mucked it up! After a time I arrived at the end of the installation and the manual conveyed that all the little lights would turn a glowing green…all five (notice again I did not use “5”) would be a solid glowing green when the unit was ready to function and it also warned that such may take a little time and I needed to be patient. I remember thinking to myself…while I was waiting…~That’s going to look pretty cool with all those little green glowing lights…like a spaceship!~. The first little green light glowed into being…~This is going to look cool~…I thought. The second little green light glowed into being with the first…~This is going to look awesome!~ The fourth and fifth little green lights glowed into being simultaneously and now four glowed with the promise of online bliss…~Yep…just like a goddamn spaceship!~…I was beside myself with joy. Now all my attention was focused on that third still dark light…~OOoo…OOOO…it flickered!~…but still it remained dark. I told myself…~Now the manual did say it might take some time…this must be the final step and it’s going to take longer than the first four.~. So…I conjured up two sandwiches and with a cold Pepsi came back to my desk and stared at that third still dark light as I ate and drank…finishing, I smoked a cigarette…I smoked another cigarette…third light still dark…I viewed a movie from my library and swilled more Pepsi and smoked more cigarettes…third light still dark…~Be Patient.~…I told myself. I re-read the manual again…I checked every cable and jack…it was all absolutely correct! I was vexed! WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? WHATWHATWHATWHATWHAT!?!?! The third light was still dark at the end of hour four! There I sat…looking at that dark light, all thought of my cool spaceship gone…then looking at the Mozilla icon on my desktop…dark light…Mozilla icon…dark light…Mozilla icon…dark light…Mozilla icon…dark light…Mozilla icon…~IT SAID NOT TO TRY TO CONNECT UNTIL ALL FIVE LITTLE GREEN LIGHTS WERE GLOWING~……dark light…Mozilla icon…dark light…Mozilla icon…dark light…Mozilla icon…dark light…Mozilla icon…~DON’T DO IT!~… …dark light…Mozilla icon…dark light…Mozilla icon…dark light…Mozilla icon…dark light…Mozilla icon…I double clicked the Mozilla icon and with blinding speed connected to online!! That third light STILL has not turned on.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 01:03:39 +0000

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