Ill soon be 56 yrs old and have participated in the workforce - TopicsExpress


Ill soon be 56 yrs old and have participated in the workforce since I got out of High School. I have witnessed at least 3 periods of a poor economy and job shortages. I have noticed that during those hard times, there are some companies that take advantage of it, and have that I have people standing in line for this job attitude and treat some of their employees like they are expendable and easily replaced. Taking the arrogant position that employees will take their crap just so they can say they work there. They hold back money and advancement. Deal out BS at every opportunity. Promote individuals into leadership positions purely base on their ability to kiss the right butt. Then when they get into that position that they arent qualified for they ride the coat tails of the ones that should have the position in the first place. Taking credit for others hard work and knowledge and moving on up the ladder. You might get away with this kinda BS when times are hard, but remember... There are 2 sides to every coin and if you keep flipn it, sooner or later the other sides gonna pop up. Times will get better and it takes a LONG TIME to repair a poor reputation that you created in those lean times. My hat is off to those who chose to tell those types of employers to stick their jobs in their collective rear ends. Good employees are a VALUABLE resource and should be treated as such, during good times and bad. This is just a general observation and I have no particular company or industry in mind. There are some great companies out there, in all types of industries, that do things right. They will be the ones that reap the benefits when times get better. Corporate America... You better wake up!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 02:28:45 +0000

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