Ill take this a step further and state that the impoverished - TopicsExpress


Ill take this a step further and state that the impoverished American has no representative in the legislative process at all. I am reminded once again of the old Colonial American adage, No Taxation Without Representation. If we are to live within a capitalist society, then we must recognize the role that money plays in everything, democratic or otherwise. With the great separations of class that arise as a result of capitalism, to have men and women who all earn more than the average American citizen create the laws that would affect the populace is to build a nation that appeals to a newer form of slavery (the impoverished American has enough to purchase only that which a slave of the 18th century would be given by his or her master). The impoverished Human Beings of the world are not represented in the governments that oversee their daily Lives, otherwise, they would be earning more similar wages. There are 3 solutions to even something like this out and still maintain our current system of government in the United States: 1 - Reduce all government wages to go no higher than the national average. or... 2 - Increase the wage of those who earn less than what the highest-paid government officials earn until the national average wage meets that of what is currently being paid to government officials. or... 3 - The American government must recognize the role that capitalism plays in our society and adjust the representation to include those of differing financial situations, proportionate to the populace. Perhaps there are other solutions as well, but as far as I can discern at this point, I would say that only one of these three proposals would work while still maintaining our current form of government. I would also add the reminder of this financial separation that exists across the globe, creating what is called the Global North and the Global South (if you are unfamiliar with these terms, Ill post a link or two below), and that it is the members of the Global North who seem to run all governments of the world, which means that the Global South (the impoverished Human Being) is not represented in any legislative process anywhere. This is why in Communication A of my series of letters to the members of the Global South entitled Radio for the Blind (Ill post a link below for this as well), I have proposed the formation of a congress of the Global South, so that - whether the Global North wishes to recognize us or not - we may represent ourselves within the several governments of the world to communicate to them that we see ourselves as Human Beings, themselves included, and no longer wish to limit our capacities through the recognition of the borders they maintain. This change will be a process and we will stand in Peace at all times, or we may sit or we may walk or we may run or we may swim or fly or be thrown across the room, but we will always speak in Love and Honesty and we welcome all Humanity as One. The separations that exist within this world are the results of the imaginations of Human Beings and thusly may they be so recognized as the antiquated things they are. We are Human Beings and though we are distinct, we are all connected as a larger organism that is comprises all Humanity. Peace is in our message, Hope is in our voice, and we have determined that our Lives are worth more than what our current governments seem to have ordained for us, therefore we step away from this old paradigm and we build ourselves the future of the world together as a species. The time for Love is now. It is always now.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 20:41:44 +0000

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