Im Convinced Most Black People Dont Read. The general message - TopicsExpress


Im Convinced Most Black People Dont Read. The general message of the email is simple and thought-provoking: one of the reasons African-Americans are still second-class citizens in their country is that they dont READ. The email isnt talking about illiteracy. Its talking about choosing not to read when one could choose to do so. And its arguing that the consequences of making such a choice are, fundamentally, political. and if you ask me its ass backward. In our culture, we communicate primarily by oral means, and place value on what people say, and on what we hear, rather than what we find out through print. As a result, we dont raise our children to place value on reading or writing. This suggests to me that its a question of culture. A culture that will remain Powerless unless we change some fundamental things and fully understand what real power is. The most basic foundations of power in the world comes from knowing information and controlling it. How many know that and reading will revolutionized your world and empowered you? Powerful people read, and this concentrated group of people who read are controlling information that we see and are privy to. In a world without the engagement of reading and writing we rely upon a handful of so called educated people to keep us informed. We will continually be at their mercy. When one reads a book, one has time to reflect, find other books, check facts, make up ones own mind. When you choose to listen to a speech or a talk show or a sermon, or watch news on TV, the ideas fly past so quickly that you cannot question them, and you are swept up in the emotion of the moment, and have far less control, over what you believe. If Reading is power, where does that place us on the scale of power and influence in the global world? IF you read this post type in words I READ
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 19:41:32 +0000

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