Im as disillusioned by many of the decisions from President Obama - TopicsExpress


Im as disillusioned by many of the decisions from President Obama as the next person, but this shock that he lied!! Really?? I mean, are people serious. Hes a politician. A Chicago politician. As if presidents dont lie. Are we all still buying the bullshit taught to us in grade school that George Washington never told a lie. Thats especially a funny one when it comes to Washington. Early in his military career, Washington was an officer in the British Army. Guess what his role was? He was a spy. One of, if not, the most important skill of a spy is his/her ability to lie. He was a professional lier!!!!! And we should be grateful for his skills. His own words from his writings are as follows: My first job was as a surveyor in Culpeper County, Virginia. As an officer in the British Army during the French and Indian War, I began my espionage career as a military spy for the British. I had firsthand experience with what happens when intelligence fails. In 1755, at age 23, I was almost killed in the massacre of General Braddocks troops. Im not trying to say that Obamas slight of hand way of dealing with Health Care coverage was ok. It wasnt. We dont know how history will judge him. Clinton lied about Monica. That to me was understandable and in the grand scheme of things, didnt and doesnt matter. Bush lied about WMD knowing it would take us to war. Many American solders, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers died for this lie. Was it worth it? Did Iraq need to fall? Certainly Saddam Hussein was a bad guy and nobody misses him, but to lie to the American people, knowing that it will lead to the sending of Americans to war, to die, in the name of lie? Again, history will judge. My point is simple. Many people in this country are either stupid or naive. Anyone who is self absorbed enough to claw and fight to the presidency, or leader position in any country, I personally think, has sociopathic tendencies. They will lie to achieve their goals, which usually, are about their own personal legacy, not the well being of the country.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 04:50:45 +0000

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