Im asking myself why we constantly being tested this far ?and the - TopicsExpress


Im asking myself why we constantly being tested this far ?and the answer is, as human beings, we will be tested. I have faith that Allah Taala didnt bring this far to abandon us ,I believe that the task ahead of us is never greater than the strength within us, everything happen for the reasons,Quran say“Allah does not place a burden to a soul greater than it can bear. It gets every good that it earns, and it suffers every ill that it earns.”The whole country feels the pain of the people in Kelantan,Terengganu also Pahang with the huge tragedy’,But Alhamdulilah,thanks for those people willing to help the affected people in every possible way.Doa yg tdak ptus-ptus is one of the best way we could help them,and as a one Malaysian we extends our heartfelt sympathy those who are suffering in the flood-hit areas right now.i have nothing can describe all about my feeling right now only du’aa and higher hope semoga keadaan menjadi baik sperti sdia kala.i know exactly how this feels, as I already through something similar to everyone. I was informed a few hour ago ,there’s no electric since of yesterday ,allahurabbi how can they charge their cell phone if no electric connected to contact their families .and it’s happen to my family,Sy dan keluarga di kelantan totally dh lost contact,adik ,ayah dn juga bapa saudara sy sdh tdk dpt dihubungi,eletrik dn bekalan air di sna sudh terputus,bgaimana keadaan mereka disana sy langsung tdk tahu,atok sy yg uzur yg tdk dpt berjln di pindahkan di rumah sy setelah air di kmpng atok sy 4 hari lps smkin naik dn menenggelamkan hmpir keseluruhn rmhnya nmun kini air mula naik di kwsn rmh sy , entah bgaimna keadaanya memandgkn smakin naik setiap msa.sperti yg dikhbarkn oleh ibu spupu sy psat pmndhn area pasir mas sudh tdk ada kekosongan memndgkn mngsa bnjir terlalu rmai,allahurabbi, I’m completely speechless, the things happen so fast than my expectation, dn sy xpernh mnyangka bnjir kli ini agk truk berbnding thun-thun sblumya ,air bnjir thun-thun yg lalu xpernh naik smpai ke area sy tinggal tpi kini mncecah ke paras yg membhyakan,walaubgmnapun sbhgian tmpt pst pmindhn brda dlm keadan slmt dn alhmdulilah, with the relief, in 2 trucks, comprised of medicines, flour, rice, blankets, mineral water, pulses and snacks,I appealed the people of the country to contribute as much as possible to overcome the loss caused by this huge tragedy.i’m really hope our Prime Minister will made it clear that there will be no shortcoming by the Centre in providing all possible help to the people affected by the floods. Please do whatever is needed to help the people in this tradegy.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 15:08:30 +0000

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