Im busy learning how the value of a Diamond is determined and im - TopicsExpress


Im busy learning how the value of a Diamond is determined and im learning more about is mainly determined by the 4Cs 1. Color 2. Carat weight 3.cut 4clarity Color-Diamonds come in very different colors from Red,blue,colorless etc..and the most rarest are red diamonds....women also come in different personalities and attitudes...the attitude of a woman towards life determines her value..all women may be born again but their value will always differ..and their value is mainly judged on what is basically expected by God frm a woman and also the preferences and tastes of the person who is marrying her! Carat weight- a diamond with more carat is obviously going to be sold at a higher price than the one with less carats....the heavier it is..the more expensive it is.....this is the weight of a woman...something that i really like...not the physical weight..but the ministry inside of her..the anointing...the knowledge..the wisdom....a woman with less wisdom cannot be placed in the same category as one with great insight....wisdom is really vital in terms of building a home,facing marital challenges and helping your husband in ministry...that mouth that she has needs to be speaking something sensible nd not just for kissing! Cut- The way a diamond is cut is very important to look at...a diamond that is cut too much or too less cannot be beautiful as a diamond that was perfectly cut because diamonds make use of light..they absorb light and they reflect that light inside of them hence they sparkle and show rainbow like a diamond that is cut too much cannot trap light and is less beautiful.......a woman reflects the Glory of the husband...the wife of a rich man will be seen..the wife of a highly anointed man will be seen....but if she cannot absorb from her husband then she will be a disgrace to her husband....theres nothing that i hate more than a woman who doesnt listen when shes told...obedience in a woman is very very important....the more sturbon she is..the less her rank! Clarity- Diamonds have some small small defects inside of them..they are things like birthmarks which are undiamond like....that is why when u take a diamond to a cutter..he will use something like a magnifying Glass to look into the diamond for these things...they are called inclusions...the more inclusions a diamond has the less beautiful it is because they disturb the whole process of absorbing light....if these inclusions can be seen by the naked eye,that diamond is very diamond is perfect and has no defects inside...thats why Miracle Diamonds suprise many cutters..because diamonds from heaven are perfect and they have no small defects inside of them....Aha..this is the character of a takes the prophetic eye to look inside a woman and check her character if she has any defects...but some women u can see their defects even with the physical eyes...u dnt have to know her for months before u cn see that shes out of order..even strangers,family members can see nje that this is a snake..this is a horse..this woman is a pig...this woman is a wolf!....or the disadvantages that shes bringing to the marriage...the more the disadvangtages..the cheaper she is....again it will depend on the preference of the groom...some men prefer things like virginity,ability to cook u knw them The church must be according to the preferences of Jesus!!!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 07:23:13 +0000

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