Im looking to provoke conversation. Lets talk about: Bat-fleck. I - TopicsExpress


Im looking to provoke conversation. Lets talk about: Bat-fleck. I am apprehensive, however I plan to give the movie its chance. Im not keen on Gal Gadot or (despite my love for other works of his) Jesse Eisenberg. However, I believe he has a better chance of surprising me than she does. Im more put off by Gal Gadot than Bat-fleck honestly and she has a 3 film deal supposedly. I am caught up on the visual of Ben Affleck as Batman (just doesnt look right in my head) more than his acting abilities, but I have concerns about both aspects. I do expect and hope he surprises me and knocks it out of the park. So the question is: is the studio crazy for opening the same day as Godzilla and Captain America 2? The Superman/Batman movie, as much as the concept is an epic comic plot line (I personally would love to see an Injustice movie based on the comic, but I dont think the general public could handle it.. I barely can!), will not pose that big of a threat due to Next Gen Console Syndrome. Like the Xbox One that initially was ridiculed for its announced features people will people hold off to hear if the movie was really that bad. The reviews will be the deciding factor in whether most see it, I believe. The Xbox One still cant catch up to the PS4. Maybe the movie will catch up after we hear the first reviews, but I personally intend on seeing Captain America 2 and Godzilla first, then gambling on this odd cast. Thoughts? ~Sarah
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 17:24:13 +0000

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