Im not posting this to get into the ACA debate or partisan - TopicsExpress


Im not posting this to get into the ACA debate or partisan politics, but I am posting this because of the naïveté she expresses about the social services that churches can provide. While it is within the mission of religious institutions to reach out to the needy - and most absolutely do - where does she think they are going to get the money to do it on this scale? Ernst rightly points out that many used to, but there are a lot of legitimate reasons that they couldnt maintain them (at least not without outside assistance). Others however, are currently running these types of outreach and are stretched as thin as they can be or are funded from the outside (either publicly or denominationally). The biggest question I have is how organizations that are not equipped or trained to take on the scale of need are supposed to deal with the logistics. Most clergy are already stretched and not trained to deal with these kinds of services. How will they coordinate to make sure everyone is being served and no one will abuse the system? Realistically, the only way to do this is to hire personnel who are trained and equipped, but I dont know many houses of worship that have an extra pile of cash lying around to hire an extra person for this. My analysis of this is that this individual politician isnt really interested in ending or relieving poverty. She seems more interested in sweeping it under the rug and pretending it doesnt exist.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 15:08:33 +0000

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