Im probably catching some heat for this, but please dont comment - TopicsExpress


Im probably catching some heat for this, but please dont comment on here blasting me unless you read the whole thing. Thoughts about Adrian Peterson and child abuse. I’ll start by saying, I would never ever ever hit Sage, or do what he did to her, or at least that’s how I feel now. There is more to the Peterson story that just “He beat his kids ass with a stick” First: His child pushed one of his other kids. How hard did he push the other child? Did he push the other child into a planter box, did he possibly push the other child into the street? Was it the first time he ever pushed his sibling or the 20th time? Had he been told 19 other times with timeouts to not push his brother/sister? Second: Last year Adrien Peterson found out he had a 2 year old son that he was unaware of, and then a month later that son’s stepfather/mom’s bf beat that kid to death. Imagine the emotional trauma of that, and then imagine only about 6 months later one of your kids pushed another one of your kids in a situation that could have possibly been fatal? (not saying that was the situation, all we know is the kid that got the punishment got it for pushing one of his siblings) How do you mentally and emotionally react to that? Third: Peterson grew up a very strict, traditional home, I believe it was a military home, and he was punished in this matter, and he has experienced a VERY successful life, and has a lot of respect for his parents, so he doesn’t view this as nearly as bad of a thing as we do. Fourth: Peterson is known for how strong his hand shake is, and he is incredibly strong, being spanked by Peterson would no doubt hurt more than being whipped by a flexible sliver of a stick, because that’s what a switch is, it’s a stick split down the middle, not just a big round stick and being beat by it. It has give and flexibility, meaning the strongest person in the world could hit a child with it, and not break anything, or do damage outside of bruises and minor cuts. Fifth: This is nothing like the Ray Rice case. Not only would being socked like that from Ray Rice hurt WAY more than the switch, Rice isn’t responsible for raising his Fiance to be a decent human being, and he should just leave her if it’s going to come to that. Sixth: I saw the pictures of what he did to his son, and his son has mostly welts with a couple drops of blood. Which again, I would never do, but I say that not being raised in a Texas military family, not knowing exactly what the situation was that warranted the punishment. Seventh: For his entire life Peterson has the reputation of being a GREAT guy and always working super hard, being incredibly respectful, and he has no criminal record to speak of, at all. Also, he has been 100% cooperative with the police and authorities since minute one for the duration of this entire case. Hasn’t denied anything, tried to get out of anything, and is still a loving parent to his kids. One last point, if you had children, more than one, and you had a problem with one child always pushing the other children, and you had put them on timeout time and time again, and the that child pushed one of your other kids in a dangerous situation and you were coming only 6 months off the death of one of your other sons, it’s it completely inconceivable that you would physically punish your child, and even if it is, can you just completely condemn someone for their actions in doing so? My answer is I don’t know, I might react as he did, especially if that’s how I was raised, and I don’t think he did anything wrong. It’s REALLY hard to judge other parent’s for their actions when you know very very little about the situation, or the history.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:46:23 +0000

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