Im rich, and I want to share it. Check this out ... Imagine my - TopicsExpress


Im rich, and I want to share it. Check this out ... Imagine my surprise to find Rs. 1,000,000.00, enclosed with a handwritten letter in my mailbox. My heart skipped and my mind raced, as I unfolded the letter. With both hands trembling out of shock, I fumbled to put on my reading glasses while working my phones contact list. I didnt know yet who had blessed me (or why), but I was eager to make an immediate appointment with my Priest at Church. I was anxious to know how the Church would guide me to use the money for the Lords service. I felt only excitement, at the prospect of being able to commit my life to any purpose that would significantly impact others for Christ. I had to take a deep breath, at the thought of finally being able to take a sabbatical and immerse myself further into ministry education. Oh, how I nearly erupted in praise, considering the positive implications for my young daughter who has a heart for Gods will. I instantly knew how our lives would change, because God had now provided a way (through a benefactor) for me to become empowered for His service. This all raced through my mind in less than a few seconds, because the willingness or desire had been in my heart and prayers for years. In fact, youre reading this post, because this ministry was born out that same passion to make a difference for Christ. In those few seconds with the envelope and its contents, tears of joy inhibited me from immediately reading the handwritten letter. As I paused to wipe away the tears, I was full of anticipation and offered praise to the Lord for giving me a chance to do more for Him. I renewed my longstanding commitment to use empowerment for His Glory. I was on fire to get started, and this is still no more than 30 seconds after opening the envelope. Finally, I cleared my eyes and managed to focus on the mysterious and wonderful letter. Like me at the time, Im sure you are dying to know who was so generous to answer my constant and deepest prayer. Ill tell you ... It was a local dentist. Once my eyes cleared and focused enough, I could read his words ... Sorry, this isnt real money, but we just wanted to get your attention. You see, we want to be your dentist, so please call and make an appointment. I must hand it to him. I dont think Ive ever seen junk mail with such stealth in appearance, from the outside of the envelope to the handwritten letter inside. I am legally blind, so it can be a challenge sometimes for me to detect such nonsense. However, this particular funny money actually FELT real to me at the time. With closer inspection under my magnifying glass, it was remarkably convincing ... almost counterfeit. Sure, call me a fool, but remember that I was only a fool for 30 seconds against the work of a fairly creative dentist. Be sure, though, that I wont be sitting in his chair any time soon. However, maybe I should pay him a visit to give thanks for the opportunity to prove myself to the Lord. Many people consider what they would REALLY DO with wealth (i.e. win the lottery). Given enough time to let logic and conscience fight it out, even a characteristically selfish person can come up with a fictional story that is full of good intentions. Should it ever come to reality, though, the core desire of a persons heart immediately surfaces at such an opportunity. It really is true what Jesus said ... Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. - Matthew 6:21 Perhaps I am a fool for being deceived, even if for only 30 seconds. However, I feel that I would have been a greater fool, had I failed the BIG test in those 30 seconds. For this particular 1 million dollar bill, it turns out that I will not need change. I had already been changed, from the moment that I stopped living for me and started living for Christ. Im rich, where it counts most, and I want to share it. I say, Lord, search my heart, as I continue my prayers to be more of a servant for you.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 04:56:04 +0000

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