Im so glad I am a dreamer with Hope and Faith in my heart and soul - TopicsExpress


Im so glad I am a dreamer with Hope and Faith in my heart and soul for the world and all of us. I continue to Believe that the good in man will always prevail, even though sometimes I feel like I am alone in this Belief but I know in my heart I am not. When I hear stories on the news or read in the paper about children being sold as slaves in Africa, being kidnapped all over the world and being killed sometimes by their own parents it breaks my heart. We can only change the world by changing ourselves it starts and stops with us. Its seems like we have become numb the things that are happening right around the corner forget about the things that are happening in the world. I think some of us have closed our hearts and mind. I know you are saying what can I do about it, well we cant solve all of the world ills alone but we can began to do things like LOVE each other. Forgive each other even if you know and they know they were wrong. Show people that you really care about them. Give 5 dollars a month to Feed the Children, If you know someone is hungry give them food or it could be something as simple as listening to someone who is in pain or hurting. Showing LOVE to the world. I dont have all the answers but I know it begins with us. HUGG your kids and each other and really look at them and tell them you LOVE THEM make sure they know it. :)
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 15:36:19 +0000

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